
The last six months have been frustrating due to my cham and I have opposite schedules. I wasn't awake to do mistings for the little guy so I bought a monsoon, pump went bad after about 4 months and decided to try the reptirain, that too went went after two months. Went to the local reptile store a few weeks ago and the owner suggested buying a mistking from them. Kick the idea around and figured for $40 more dollars why not it has a warrant and parts are easy to get. After a few weeks of trying it I'm beyond happy with it and so is my cham. He's becoming a lot more friend and not so afraid of my offering him food by hand or to clean out the bottom tray. The pump mists 4 times a day and keeps the humidity close to 85-90%. After having my cham for a year I would strongly suggest anyone saving for an auto mister to check out the mistking systems.
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