moldy wall ewww


Retired Moderator
i recently just finished cage cleaning and found out there is a minor mold growth at the wall behind my cham's cage.
How can i get rid of it?
While it is still a minor problem, i would like to clean it up be4 it gets out of control.
Wipe the wall down with bleach and keep the wall dry. Are you getting it wet when the cage is misted?

i use auto mister... and i use a towel under the cage... i think the towel is the one that make it damp... because the mold kinda grow at the bottom part.
I still don't know how people can mist or auto mist and not get there house wet. I have a 2 of the four side of my cage lined with a completely transparent sheet of plastic that drains down into the tray at the bottom. The plastic is actually screwed to the frame of the cage with the same screws that hold the cage together. On top of that I still line the walls themselves with plastic because my cage is in the closet.

I highly recommend this system.

Home safety is never worth compromising. Mold isn't just bad for your cham, is very bad for you too.
You should elevate your cage off the ground! Especially with that towel. Get a few pieces of 2x4 at lest to get some ventilation so the moisture doesn't stay too long. Mold is a hard thing to get rid of and breathing in the spores ext. can be seriously bad for your health.
You should elevate your cage off the ground! Especially with that towel. Get a few pieces of 2x4 at lest to get some ventilation so the moisture doesn't stay too long. Mold is a hard thing to get rid of and breathing in the spores ext. can be seriously bad for your health.

i know :(

right now there is a strip of mold about 10" long (but not dense.. just a tiny dot here and there)..
I scrub the wall with tide detergent that contains bleach.
For now i think I scrub it good..

So this is what i did to my cage:
(this is the side view diagram)

Do you think it will be enough?
thanks guys..
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It's the towel then. Looks like it should be set up fine though:confused: Is the towel touching the wall? If it gets bad your going to have to remove the drywall and patch it back up to get rid of the mold:eek: I would still stick a little something under the cage to get it off of a wood surface.
First I would suggest observing the cage and spray to see if you can figure out exactly what is going wrong. Maybe a situation where it is overspraying in the back and making contact with the wall in that particular area. Could be a situation where the cage floor is flooding and then getting on the wall.

I myself use reptariums. The only reason I have stuck with them is that I got the idea one day to buy some cheap plastic storage bins. I cut them to size and made semi solid bottom to where I could attach a drain. I have also did this and made a backwall that I attached decorations too. I should mention that I only use the lids. They are soft and easy to cut. The bins themselves have to hold a lot of weight and are usually to hard a plastic to cut easily.

EIther one of these ideas could eliminate the problem. If it is a screen cage perhaps cutting a piece the size of the backwall. Make little holes and run some twist ties (or wire ties) to secure it to the screen. In an event of a reptarium you can just attach it to the frame rails. You could also take some silicone and attach the plastic to the metal. I have found that the plastic usually pulls away from the metal after sometime though.

If you do not like the look of a cold white plastic back piece there is a decoration technique involving: great stuff (foam), silicone, peat moss (or coco fibers or both). Look around at frog and plant websites and you will see what I am talking about.

Hope this makes sense. Seems like I am rambling.
It's the towel then. Looks like it should be set up fine though:confused: Is the towel touching the wall? If it gets bad your going to have to remove the drywall and patch it back up to get rid of the mold:eek: I would still stick a little something under the cage to get it off of a wood surface.

i have made the towel to no longer touch the wall....
the cabinet is made from plastic thingie (i bought it from walmart)
I have all mine inside...I tried the towel thing at first but got the same results as you...basically now I have them elevated off of plastic water pans (washing machine pan) and about 10 inches from the walls so that the carpet and walls do not get ruined. You are going to have to use some sort of pan because the water will eventually run down your cabinet and ruin the area your cabinet touches the ground. I would put a pan on your cabinet then elevate your cage off the pan.

I have all mine inside...I tried the towel thing at first but got the same results as you...basically now I have them elevated off of plastic water pans (washing machine pan) and about 10 inches from the walls so that the carpet and walls do not get ruined. You are going to have to use some sort of pan because the water will eventually run down your cabinet and ruin the area your cabinet touches the ground. I would put a pan on your cabinet then elevate your cage off the pan.


is there a pan that fits 24X12" cage?
what do you put as an elevator of the cage?
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