Momma my Quad has a mounth issue?? w/pics


Friendly Grasshopper
i on friday i noticed a little swelling on my female wc quads lip, well today it looks alot worse, there acctually seems to be blood there and the swelling has increased. she is still feeding but cant feel good.
i have made a vet app, for tomorrow if i cant get this figured out before then.



i love this ole girl she is the mom to my two boys and such a sweetheart, shes acctually the quad pictured on the lower left hand side of the forums home page,
please help:(:(

its a two person job but if she were mine i would clean out the wound and rinse it out with a paper towel dipped in diluted providone iodine (her snout pointed to the ground). cleaning the wound may include using a tooth pik to scrap away infection and debris. if it is from the gum under teeth its best just to see a vet.

btw- is that a previous burn site on her back?

Good luck!
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its a two person job but if she were mine i would clean out the wound and rinse it out with a paper towel dipped in diluted providone iodine (her snout pointed to the ground). cleaning the wound may include using a tooth pik to scrap away infection and debris. if it is from the gum under teeth its best just to see a vet.

btw- is that a previous burn site on her back?

Good luck!

thank you first off and yes that is a old burn, from before she came to me. i belive it happend when the previuos keeper had someone else watching her. its a few years old now.
Looks like the beginning of mouth rot. If it is, it needs to be cleaned out well, a culture and sensitivity test done and for her to have a course of an appropriate antibiotic to make sure it goes away. The problem with mouth rot is that the usual bacteria involved is pseudomonas (sp?) and its an opportunist and gram-negative and hard to get rid of so if its not looked after properly it usually comes back.

It could be possible if you've caught it early enough to do it yourself...but I've never done that so I can't speak from experience.
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I agree that it looks like mouth rot. The problem with mouth rot is that the infection forms pockets and in reptiles the pus isn't really liquid like it is in mammals. It's really thick so it needs to be cleaned out because antibiotics don't penetrate it well. It could have started from being bitten by a feeder or just a simple scratch that allowed bacteria to colonize under the skin and go to town.

That would be my most likely guess based on the picture. Vet visit is an excellent plan because you'll want to get a handle on it quickly.
ok so ill be going to the vet tomorrow for sure than, but is there anything i can do for her tonite to make her feel and better, shower, drops or any ointment i can go get from a 24hr drug store?? anythiing?? it acctually looks like it is getting bigger from thismorning, i love all my chams but momma is special and i hate seeing her hurting.
and it looks like she hasnt acctually eaten today which is not like her
Unfortunately I don't think there is much you can do for her right now. The swelling of the tissue is probably painful and bothering her but there's nothing you can give her for that. With cases of mouth rot they tend to get worse before they get better...
k thx ill be taking tomorrow morning off work so i can get her to the vet asap.
thank you so much for the speedy replies..
everybody cross your fingers for Momma
k thx ill be taking tomorrow morning off work so i can get her to the vet asap.
thank you so much for the speedy replies..
everybody cross your fingers for Momma

*cross* i really hope for the best for your beautiful cham. everyone here is feeling the same im shure.
:( boo, poor momma. That wasn't the sort of update I was after, you know...:(
Good luck with her. Fingers crossed for you guys.
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Hoj I really hope momma is ok, and the vet can clear her up. You have chams coming out your ears so the occasional problem does seem to come with that.:(
Let us know what the vet has to say.
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thanks everyone and yes Laurie more chams more potential problems for sure. ill update as soon as i can tomorrow after the vet.
i cleaned the area last night with a damp paper towel and thismorning it acctually looks alot better, but i still am taking her to the vet at 1:45 today, so i will update here with the results.
thanks again
i just got back from the vet and he confirmed that is is mouth rot, although he had a fancy name for it.
so we cleaned out the area really well, pushing out the infection buildup ( puss like but harder ) with a qtip. it looks much better now.
and he gave me some cloranfenicol and instructed me to administer .02cc twice a day orally for 1 week and then once a day for another week.
i hope this works....
any opinions
Good luck Hoj! Here's hoping for a speedy recovery! Nice to know it's a treatable infection rather than something malicious. Keep us updated on her progress!
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