

Avid Member
I have seen a lot of people say they can not take their chameleon to the vet because they don'thave enough money. I have a few ways to help you save depending on your life situation. I have seen it works better if you only have one chameleon but it depends how much you make!

If you don't pay rent or basic living expenses (children or teens)-

First-Try to get jobs with your neighbors or in your house (or if you're old enough)a job with a company. There's a lot of jobs available in neighborhoods or in the house of your parents will pay you for it. This can help teach you responsibility too! If you get allowance this works too!

Next take everything you make and split it in half. Give half to yourself and half to your chameleon. Put the chameleon money away and DO NOT TOUCH IT UNLESS IT IS FOR YOUR CHAMELEON. This can help you budget too!!

If you are older and live by your self and have to provide for yourself-

When you get your paycheck, buy what you need and pay your bills.

Next with the spending/free money left over split it in half and give half to you to spend and half to your chameleon. Put it away and DO NOT TOUCH IT UNLESS IT IS FOR YOUR CHAMELEON.

Others way have diffrent ways of saving and there are many out there. I'm just trying to give people options about saving and help them save.

It may take a long time to save and if there is a emergency or a large expence it may not pay the whole cost, but at least it will help lessen the cost out of your own money.

This method may not work with you so try diffrent methods until you find one that works with your needs.

I personally use this method and it works for me but I havent had to pay a big expence yet. Its all in how your life runs and which method of saving works the best for you.

When the time comes to go to the vet you will be happy though whatever method you choose, because the vet can be very expensive!

Other members-What are your thoughts on this method?
An time you consider getting any type of pet you need to stop and think...then stop and think again....before you buy. There are always unexpected costs that come up with pets. Plan the money for emergencies...then get your pet...then keep on saving like @Theveiled suggests.
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