

New Member
Sooo my dads coming up to visit me in washington from san diego and he wants to bring me a money tree for my cham. Anyone know if this plant is safe for the
Cham and if so wats anyones experiences with it. Oh also i was looking for some website or something that has a list of cham safe plants.
I have one. My jacksons loves it. It is very low maintenance and grows right out of my cage. I have to keep it trimmed which is pretty miraculous since I have no green thumb. Some people on this forum have said that the branches are too small for supporting chameleons but my Greggory has no problems with his. They are kind of like a pothos in that the are slightly toxic, but most people have no problems with the pothos so I am sure that the Money tree will be no problem.
i have one in my sorta free range area, for when i want to let a cham wander. my one veiled loves it and has been caught eating the leafs afew times and i have never had a problem. i do take the leaf away if i see it tho, as i am not 100% on this plant, but im sure he has gotten a few lol.
nice that your Dad is showing an interest in your cham.
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