More Moffies!! Wooppee!!!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Woo hoo!! I have had 3 silk moths emerge today! Two of them are mating as well!! :D:D:D I LOVE silk moths - they are so pretty!!
aaaahhhh! Too cool! I had tried to get some up and going and while I had several hatch out, none mated. Got lots of eggs but none fertile.
Franie just sent me some cocoons so I am hoping to get to see moths. I still love the picture you posted Tiff.
Congrats on the moths and do take pictures.

Franie's great with the silkworms. I have no problem getting the moths and them mating and getting eggs and tiny, tiny babies BUT I've never been able to keep the babies alive so just quite trying. :)
Franie has sent me loads of info, but I haven't had time to read through it yet. The two are still mating - they've been at it fr a good few hours, lol! If they've finished in the morning then Amy and Tommy can eat them for brekkie!:D
Franie has sent me loads of info, but I haven't had time to read through it yet. The two are still mating - they've been at it fr a good few hours, lol! If they've finished in the morning then Amy and Tommy can eat them for brekkie!:D

Wait for the female to lay eggs.
Oh yeah, course, lol! When will she do that? Actually they both looked the same to me! Here's a pic of them in action:

Pics, pics, pics!!!

I LOVE silkmoths - so cute! :D Here's a few pics of the one that wasn't preoccupied with reproducing! I love the antennae - looks like they've got false eyelashes stuck on their heads!!:D





Yay Tiff!!! Great job!! Don't feed them off too fast. The female can mate several times and lay a few hundred eggs. She'll break free and lay her eggs. When she is done, she'll pair up again. The adults will live 5-7 days-ish. I feed mine off when they start to get a little clumsy!! When you feed female moths to your chams, they will pass the eggs in their stool. So don't worry when you see them there!! :D
The larger one on the left is the female moth :) hope you get lots of eggs :D
Thanks! I thought the males had the big antenna but they all have thm! Looks like i have two females and one (soon to be very tired!) male, lol!

Yay Tiff!!! Great job!! Don't feed them off too fast. The female can mate several times and lay a few hundred eggs. She'll break free and lay her eggs. When she is done, she'll pair up again. The adults will live 5-7 days-ish. I feed mine off when they start to get a little clumsy!! When you feed female moths to your chams, they will pass the eggs in their stool. So don't worry when you see them there!! :D

Thanks for the warning! I didn't realise that they can pair up again - they are separated at the moment. I'll leave them be for a good few days - my last Moffy lived for 9 days on his own. I now know he was male, thanks Jamelon! They are such fascinating things - one of the best bits of looking after chams I think! I am so looking forward to see if breeding them will be successful!:D:D
Thanks! I thought the males had the big antenna but they all have thm! Looks like i have two females and one (soon to be very tired!) male, lol!

Yeah thats for most moths actually the males have the plumose antenna and the females have the thin filament like antennae but for alot of insects the female are larger like spiders (i know they arent insects, just trying to prove a point :p)
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