More Pictures of a few of my guys


Chameleon Enthusiast
I had a few of the chams outside yesterday evening and got a few pictures.

Up first is my main man Luie



This is Sid and he was showing off for the camera





This is Hendershot



Jr chilling as usual



Daddy Mufasa (daddy to Sid and Jr)



Padre food

I am a panther girl myself but your Louie makes me want a vieled male badly!!:D His tourquis is AMAZING!! The rest of the gang is stunning too!
So we get the teaser pic of Padre food with NO Padre. lol j/k Jann The gang looks really vibrant and def well fed. Those head pads your panthers got going are huuuuge.
They are all looking great Sid's head looks like those gel stickers we use to have back in the 80's where you would push them and they would change color from green to blue. Nature makes the best art!!
hey Jann, they are all amazing,,, you know that i love seeing the guys but where are the girls????????

oh yeah, and i colud do without that "demon" mantis!!!!!! ;)
Thank you for all the kind words about my guys and their photos.

Scott, I will have to put them on a diet.:) I only feed three days a week and being free ranged they are very active but I will cut back on the amount they get every 3 days.

Lisa, I will have the girls night out very soon. :)
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Hi Jann, I just love your Luie!
you ok with Irene hanging around?
I was going to ask the same take stunning photos, and I know you have told us, but what camera?
Thank you Anne and Hoj. Irene passed by here yesterday with just some wind and rain.

Our camera is a Nikon D80.
what kind of camera or lens do you use?? those colors dont look real or maybe p shopped a little? (not implying that you do in any way) Ive never seen such bright vivid colors in any picture of a chameleon like yours.
what kind of camera or lens do you use?? those colors dont look real or maybe p shopped a little? (not implying that you do in any way) Ive never seen such bright vivid colors in any picture of a chameleon like yours.

I will tell you from having held Luie several times & again a few days ago, Luie has the brightest colors I have ever seen on a male veiled. Jann's photos are not photo shopped, she just has some amazing colors, but they are very real.

Jann I am sorry I missed the rest of the gang but it was great to see You, Mike & Luie.
Those are amazing photos!!! I love the pics of your Veiled Chameleon! I have a female veiled and cant wait to see what shes gonna look like when shes older :) how old is your veiled??
Thank you Jonathon. My male veiled Luie is 4 1/2 years old.

Showjet95, I don't even know how to use Photo Shop but sure wish I did. The lens that was used on my Nikon D80 for theses shots was the 105mm mirco.
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