Mosquito bits and pj’s


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’m so over these soil gnats! They are everywhere, including flying into my mouth! 🤢 Tonight I made the rounds with mosquito bits tea and can only say a little prayer for the isopods and springtails. 🙏
I got started on it late, so my crew was all in their pj’s and tucked into their sweet little dreams. I just had to grab some pics of my little darlings. 🥰 Stella was hiding too deeply for me to even find her and Mango was too far behind a bunch of branches and plants, but here’s the others.

My sweet purple princess Kali..dreaming of hunting isopods. Look at that adorable and perfect 🤗tail coil!

If I had to guess, Lucky is probably dreaming of being free…way up high in the trees just soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. 🌞🌳

Bart must be dreaming about achieving his goals of eating all the eyeballs and reaching the top of mount big hair. 👀
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