Mother and her antics 😵‍💫


Chameleon Enthusiast
Usually my mother gets so upset when I bring in a new reptile. One day she notice my room oddly bright. She saw the chameleon cage. My mom saw plants. And that usually makes her cringe. I sometime buy new houseplant for the house.

Surprisingly my mom thought the arrangement of plants are beautiful. And then Namul came in the picture. She saw the chameleon. She was intrigued by the animal. My mom usually has a disdain for me with my liking with reptiles. And houseplants.

Today she wanted to admire the enclosure. She mentions she wants one in the boyfriend house. Just the cage. She made another suggestion that is usually out of her character. She said the cage should be placed somewhere in the living room or by the dinning room. I can tell she didn’t liked the idea of turning my room filled with reptiles cages.
But I don’t have desires to move out Namul home.
Better than mine. They always want to "find the chameleon". Well I have cages without screen, they are just pvc structures to hold lights etc. People shove there whole head in looking around, since for some reason they think they are hiding in the middle of the cage. Nope, the sleeping stick is at the outside of the bushes, and your nose is about 6" from their nose...
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