Moths on the loose!!!


New Member
So a little while ago, I posted asking about horn worm cocoons and if we should feed them to our Panther Chameleon. A few suggested waiting until they hatched and feeding the moths, so we figured sure, why not! Well we had them in an open cup, and as it had been SO LONG and there was no activity, I wasn't too worried about them hatching. Also, I guess I figured (incorrectly!) they were like silk worm moths with vestigial wings.

Either way, we came home the other day and OH NO! AN EMPTY COCOON! Wait, you mean that thing is flying all over my house?! I guess it's better than the Dubias getting loose, but oh my goodness it's huge!!

A few days went on and still no signs of the moth. Then a few minutes ago the cat starts going NUTS.


We caught it and put it in our old cricket keeper. Memphis should enjoy it tomorrow. The moths are absolutely massive, I never thought they would look like this! Not sure if the other 2 cocoons will hatch or if they're dead, but we put them in the cricket keeper anyway, just in case. No more loose moths!


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haha! How long did it take for them to hatch out?? I ask because I have like 8 cocoons that I've had in an extra cage for like 2 weeks now. I'm gonna see if I can get some horn worm eggs out of them and then feed em' off :D
Oh gosh, it had to be about 2 months? I wish I'd kept track to give you a better idea. Anyone else have more experience with these and know what to expect time-wise?
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