

When I took out my pothos and umbrella plant some little moths flew off of both. Do I need to worry about my cham eating these?
Well I can say I feed large moths to my chams when i can catch em lol. They love them. The lol paper moths are not dangerous/toxic but they are probably bad for your plants if there are a lot of them.
Well I can say I feed large moths to my chams when i can catch em lol. They love them. The lol paper moths are not dangerous/toxic but they are probably bad for your plants if there are a lot of them.
I only saw one on each plant so I'm not too sure how man there are. Any suggestions to get rid of them and any other possibly insects from the plants? I think I'm going to take them out later and soak them in water and organic soap for about 20 minutes to drown or at least force to the surface any insects in them but I'm not sure what to do about the leaves of the plants or even if soaking the bottom will be effective.
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