

Okay so I've had my chams for awhile now, Rango and Priscilla. They are Jackson's Chameleons. I know they get bored with crickets. They LOVE caterpillars and moths..... moths gross me out to no end. I live in Hawaii so getting any kind of feeder insect shipped here is almost impossible. I've caught moths for them before as well as caterpillars, but what else might they like? Something that will be easy to get! The other week I tried to order crickets offline and no one would ship them to me! and I hate driving to the pet store all the time. Thanks for the advice!
I'm afraid I don't know enough about insects found in Hawaii to tell you what you could feed them. I do know that the wild Jacksons do well there though so there must be something they are finding easily.
actually, I found this thing at the pet store, and it catches live bugs at night! Its called a Bug Napper! Last night I used it for the first time, no moths yet, but I did get quite a few other bugs, some small enough for my Mourning gecko to eat! She went to town! Gonna try it out again tonight and hopefully I get some moths!
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