Mould in fruit fly colony


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am a newbie. Just a quick question. My fruit fly colony has mould in it. I'm assuming this means I need to toss the whole thing. Which sucks because ive only had it a week? is this a normal occurrence?

Ya I would toss it, that is not normal for a fly culture. I don't know the harmful affects of mold being ingested by chameleons but I wouldn't risk feeding off the remaining flies. Just throw i away or take it back if you bought it at a store recently.
I have mold allergies, so I always toss my fly cultures that get moldy. It doesn't happen all the time, but at certain times during the year, especially during seasonal changes, I've notice that fly cultures tend to become more sensitive to developing mold. If you make you own Fly Media, you can add Methyl Paraben to the media and it will help prevent this.
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