Mounting Misting Nozzles on an aluminum screen cage?


New Member
:)what is the best way to mount the mister head for my monsoon? because i don't think the suction cups will stick to the screen properly.
I will send you a couple pictures tomorrow when my chams are awake.

Later I will learn to read, I was going to send pic of my corner mount mister nozzles. Sorry.
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Make a hole big enough for it in the screen. They usually include pieces to attach it that way.

If he is using a monsoon it has no attachment methods other than suction cups. Your thinking of corner wedges you buy from mistking/aquazamp, not the monsoon.

You can user thin plastic wrapped bread ties like they put on power cords when you buy a piece of electronics, put the end poking out of the screen then put your nozzle thru the loop and tie it on the outside..
you might be better off with some aluminum wire as most bread ties will rust. Just a thought.
What i did was get a Plastic sheet ( i use the clear cover for a BGC booklet). Get the one thats a bit on the stiffer side for support.

Cut a 3" x 3" square of it . cut 4 holes in each corner. Then place on the inside of the cage and use small zipties to hold it in place at the 4 corners. Then use the suction cup to suction to the center of the plactic 3" square as you would on a glass enclosure. Then adjust the nozzle to spray where you like.

I'll take pix later.
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