Moved George between trees without waking him up.


New Member
I got home after sunset last night and George was already fast asleep in his big tree outside. I move him indoors at night because of the sea breeze so this routine has got him quite used to being handled.

I gently slide my hand under him and touch each foot to make him lift them, a bit like you do with a horse.

I thought he would wake up but after four feet he still hadn't so I figured I'd take a few photos. And the flash didn't even wake him up :D Little guy must have had a busy day.

He felt like a little gyroscope on my hand, smoothly keeping his weight centered, a lot more pronounced than when hes awake.

Getting him into the cage was tricky but he acted like a little pose-able toy. At one point he had both both front feet in the air still fast asleep, he looked uncomfortable so I put one of them down before I took a picture. You can see hi one leg still in the air in the 2nd photo. I gently shifter him round so all four feet were on the vine and zipped up his enclosure and he still hadn't woken up.

(The little gray marks on his back are from when a light fitting shifted in his housing and caused one of its brackets to heat up. George of course went and made friends with it. Worst of all it was 2 days after a shed. I've replaced the fitting to stop it ever happening again as well as giving him a daily treatment on the burns.)


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Aww! Bless him, lol! They do sleep so soundly! I could never do that with Lily - I only had to look at her and she would wake up!:D
He is a nice looking guy. I wonder if I could do that with any of my chams, they always seem to have a death grip when they sleep. Glad you were able to move him without waking him.

Also could you send me some sea breezes?:)
When I've picked up sleeping chams, I'm never quite certain whether they're really staying asleep, or just obstinately refusing to give any sign of waking up. Picking them up is easy, but then they usually get a death grip on my hands, so setting them down is much harder.
George is a big, handsome fellow asleep.
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