Moving Drama


New Member
I just bought and built two new enclosures for my boyz. Before as babies, they were in their own enclosures which were 13x9x9 inches in size. That was fine for them as babies. Now they are about 5 months old and I just super-sized them to individual enclosures still, which are 30 in height by 18x18.

My boy LG, has no problem. He is a big foodie so he has been exploring and eating and having a ball. Nacho, my slightly more 'sensitive' fellow hasn't eaten now in three days. He is wandering around a bit. I have meal-worms in a dish on the floor which he has had a staring contest with last night, but didn't eat. And yesterday I decided to put a small container mid way in the branches which he also had a very long, long staring contest with last night too. Even had his nose just 1 inch from the worms. He didn't eat still.

As we speak LG is climbing up and down and eating and Nacho is just basking by the heat and occasionally watching LG walk around in his enclosure.

As an ex-nursing assistant, poop is very important to me, ha ha ha ha...As long as I see good poop in the tanks I'm happy. No poop for a day now in Nacho's home.

How long before I should worry about his hunger fast? Is there any advice maybe keep his enclosure covered so he can relax? Help!
What a little bugger. Within 5 minutes of posting this nacho has moved and stuck his head in the mid-tank food supply and just ate one meal worm. One is better than none.

Another behavior I have found with Nacho is that whenever he moves around he sways forward and backwards as they do in the wild. I think he is just sensitive about the giant new home he has. Ha zah, he just ate another worm. What a little stinker. Well, good luck to me and him.

But Please still send me advice about changing into this new enclosure. I only have a tiny plant in there so I think for him he will need more vegetation to feel comfy. I'll go today and buy some stuff for him.
I just bought and built two new enclosures for my boyz. Before as babies, they were in their own enclosures which were 13x9x9 inches in size. That was fine for them as babies. Now they are about 5 months old and I just super-sized them to individual enclosures still, which are 30 in height by 18x18.

My boy LG, has no problem. He is a big foodie so he has been exploring and eating and having a ball. Nacho, my slightly more 'sensitive' fellow hasn't eaten now in three days. He is wandering around a bit. I have meal-worms in a dish on the floor which he has had a staring contest with last night, but didn't eat. And yesterday I decided to put a small container mid way in the branches which he also had a very long, long staring contest with last night too. Even had his nose just 1 inch from the worms. He didn't eat still.

As we speak LG is climbing up and down and eating and Nacho is just basking by the heat and occasionally watching LG walk around in his enclosure.

As an ex-nursing assistant, poop is very important to me, ha ha ha ha...As long as I see good poop in the tanks I'm happy. No poop for a day now in Nacho's home.

How long before I should worry about his hunger fast? Is there any advice maybe keep his enclosure covered so he can relax? Help!

Mealworms aren't the best to be feeding your Chams on a continual basis anyways. Try feeding silkworms, dubia roaches, horn worms, Phoenix worms, etc. They need a varied diet like we do.
Nacho is eating well now. Unfortunately I don't have a choice about feeding mealworms. Here in Northern China meal worms are readily available. A pet market across does sell crickets but it's not a trip I can often make.

All these guys are raised on meal worms and haven't had issues. I try to gut load as much as possible and watch for the boyz's poops in the mornings. So far so good.

I put a bunch of plastic plants in there and mostly a lot between the two enclosures. Nacho seems adjusting well now. Thanks for your advice.
If all you can get are mealworms, then they get meal worms, makes sense to me. If you can put more live plants in his cage that will most likely help.
You guys are great and advice is helpful.

Will get more live plants. I have a couple little one's which i had in their tiny tanks and now both little plants are in Nacho's tank as LG would dangle by his tail and back legs and pick up the plant with is front arm and knock it around. Weird huh. Fun to watch the wrestling match. I love Chameleons. Best gift I was ever given. Had pets and lizards since I was a little girl but Chamies are the best and so interesting.
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