Mulberry Farms... Way to go!!!


New Member
Just wanted to share with everyone my great experience with Mulberry Farms. I ordered 50 silkworms which were delivered okay but after a few days all my silkworms turned black and oozing liquid and then the next day all of them were dead. I called Mulberry Farms to explain what had happened hoping that I would get free shipping or something. When they returned my call they said they would replace all fifty of them and give me free shipping. So I just wanted to let everyone know they are a great company and I strongly suggest using them for all your worm needs.
I to, have had silkworms replaced. Makes me appreciate the job they do even more. Sometimes I just take things for granted. I'll never take crickets for granted anymore.
That's very nice of them. I would be very upset if I had ordered feeders just to have them all die the next day.
They are def one of the easiest companies to deal with. Great customer service. Theyve tried to satisfy my needs whenever Ive asked for smallest horns avail for my carpets, they really have helped me. Only worms my carpets seem to eat with any regularity.
yeah, they are a great source of feeder variety. they don't do crickets though. crickets have become the treat rather than the standard these days at my house. I have resorted to the pet stores for pins -- they are not really pins, but they do okay for the pygs as long as I keep a good supply of ff's when they start to get too big.
thats awesome, sadly i just had a ton of silkworms from them die, because the instructions say keep them warm so i put them out in the sun for like 15 minutes and they all died. I feel bad calling them for replacement though because its my fault...I just didn't realize they could warm up too fast.
Wish I could get silkworm chow for the cost they get it for, even though they have to get a ton lol, the price is insane.

I respect their guarantee, but the price for chow is ridiculous unless you buy 100 pounds from them.
thats awesome, sadly i just had a ton of silkworms from them die, because the instructions say keep them warm so i put them out in the sun for like 15 minutes and they all died. I feel bad calling them for replacement though because its my fault...I just didn't realize they could warm up too fast.

steamed worms, hmmn, no you really ought to roast them -- gives them a nice nutty crunchy flavour/texture.:D
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