Mulberry Farms


Avid Member
I was just checking out the Mulberry Farms site for feeders and ran across Butterflies..Has anyone ever used them as a feeder for there chams?? If so..hows the nutrition value in them!?

Thanks Kayla
no problem she has plenty more like supplement info but the feeders page is a great start. There is alot of useful info hiding in the blogs Another good one is Bridgofaith Most Used links.

You can see my reading list so far here. Its a lot but well worth the read if you are serious.
Yeah most definatley!! Thanks a Bunch!! My next feeder is a Dubia Colony, I like them and there easy to keep...but I have to feed off the lobster roaches..ehh I tried them for the first time and damnn...those guys went all oveeeer the place! idea they crawled up my bin there in..UGGH lol..My husband gets to handle them! :) To bad we cant get there any where to buy stick bugs?? or mantis??

no problem she has plenty more like supplement info but the feeders page is a great start. There is alot of useful info hiding in the blogs Another good one is Bridgofaith Most Used links.

You can see my reading list so far here. Its a lot but well worth the read if you are serious.
is there any where to buy stick bugs?? or mantis??

Pretty sure you can get Mantids @ local nurseries and hatch them out yourself. Try searching I know I have read at least 1 or 2 posts about both those species but i cant think of them off hand.
Yeah most definatley!! Thanks a Bunch!! My next feeder is a Dubia Colony, I like them and there easy to keep...but I have to feed off the lobster roaches..ehh I tried them for the first time and damnn...those guys went all oveeeer the place! idea they crawled up my bin there in..UGGH lol..My husband gets to handle them! :) To bad we cant get there any where to buy stick bugs?? or mantis??
Did you have a place for the lobster roaches to hide in the bin? I have a colony of lobster roaches myself. I keep them in a large Rubbermaid bin with 2 stacks of 3 square egg cartons for them to hide in. I put a layer of petroleum jelly around the top edge, but I never see them even try to get out except when I pick up all the egg cartons and tilt the bin to get all the waste on one end of the bin.
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