My art...more like sketches ;)


New Member
Just wanted to share some of my sketches, yes im aware that the panther i drew only has two legs (although thats not how its supposed to be.) Nothin fancy just wanted to share.






quad (not very good)


2 legged panther :eek:
You're actually pretty good. It reminds me of college. When you're a life science major all you do is draw pictures of slides and animal specimens which I always thought was fun. You just sit, draw and talk to your neighbors. When I was TAing, what everyone does now is take pictures with their digital cameras and look at it the day before a midterm or practical. You're really going to know the different species of chams if you keep drawing them especially that detailed. I didn't even know how a quad really looked like. I've seen pictures before but it's not burned in my head like a panther, vieled, jackson or fishcers are.
great lookin and a good start. id always recommend drawing on non-lined paper for a cleaner look, but if you did them in class...i can
i cant draw, but i have a photographic memory, and so far, i know every animal in the aquarium after being there for 3 weeks. and thats awesome dan. better than me.
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