My Baby Veiled Just Died and Now My Juvenile is Acting Strange HELP


New Member
Hey guys, this is hard to write about as it is so recent. On Feb 28th, I bought a 2 month old male veiled Cham from Petco (I'll post another thread about why this was a bad decision). He looked fine and acted fine but refused to eat anything, barley drank, and continuously was aggressively rubbing his eyes on branches. Within two days, he declined to keeping his eyes shut all day and not moving (the few times he did, he climbed blindly). He got so bad that March 3rd I took him into the vet. The vet said she believes he has severe MBD and malnutrition (which is why I hate Petco for their neglect towards Chams). She said he was not well and gave him a Vitamin A shot as well as a list of vitamins to buy and feed him when he started eating. Until he started eating, I was told to force feed him the calcium and other medication she gave me twice a day. The first dose went well and he perked up after his vitamin a shot (even opening his eyes)! The next day, his conditioned worsened and he did not move all day or open his eyes. When the third feeding time came, it took me three hours to get him all of the food due to his small mouth and him not swallowing well. He spent the day every few minutes tilting his head up and gasping for air. I knew he was not well but I did not want to give up. In the evening, he was pale yellow and he was so weak he kept falling from his branches. He did this 4 times and I set him on lower branches to try and help any more possible incidents. He then almost fell but caught himself. Then his body aggressively wiggled and I saw him poop (or what I thought to be poop). He then lost grip so I picked him up and he was absolutely lifeless. I was about to put him back when his eyes opened wide and then his body began to tense up and shake. His limbs curled up as he seized in my hands and then his heart stopped. He turned black within an hour later. I am crushed. It was so painful to watch and I felt evil everytime I had to force-feed him. Also, my juvenile was extremely dark the entire day and as soon as he passed she actually brightened up. I wonder if she could sense his upcoming death. Now, My sixth month old female veiled turns a dark grey, green, brown when I try to feed her or even just look in her enclosure. She is hiding in spots of her enclosure that she never goes to. I never kept the two together. They both have separate enclosures that are not even right next to each other. When I tried to feed her, she hides, gets an unusual color and actually stares at my baby's now empty enclosure. I don't know what is going on with her. Please, please help. I will not know how to act if they both pass within a few days of each other.
It was good of you to try to save the poor new chameleon.

Did you wash your hands after you handled the new one before handling the other one you had? Did you use separate equipment for each so you didn't corps contaminate things?
We're the enclosures in the same room?

Do you have any photos of the one that died?
It was good of you to try to save the poor new chameleon.

Did you wash your hands after you handled the new one before handling the other one you had? Did you use separate equipment for each so you didn't corps contaminate things?
We're the enclosures in the same room?

Do you have any photos of the one that died?
Yes I did wash my hands thoroughly after handling the other one. Yes, I also used separate equipment for the two. Yes, they're enclosures were in the same room but about five feet apart. I just moved my little guys enclosure out of the room for cleaning and incase my juvenile was being affected by any possible pheromones.

This was my baby Pascal. I am so so heartbroken. I was able to get my juvenile to eat one silkworm but she is extremely timid with me and would not stop staring at my eyes instead of her food I offered her. The last photo was right before he fell and passed.


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I also did more research on his possible death causes and there is a long list of signs he showed. He showed for MBD, URI, mouth rot, dehydration, tongue problems, vitamin a deficiency, kidney failure, and more.
I don’t see any signs of MBD in the pictures. In fact he looks pretty good other than having the eyes closed. What lights were you using? Lights can make the keep their eyes closed. Also, you might need a vet with more chameleon knowledge. Where do you live? I might be able to recommend a good vet.
I don’t see any signs of MBD in the pictures. In fact he looks pretty good other than having the eyes closed. What lights were you using? Lights can make the keep their eyes closed. Also, you might need a vet with more chameleon knowledge. Where do you live? I might be able to recommend a good vet.
She said MBD but to do X-rays was going to be $225 which I cannot afford. I thought his coloring was greta (as I know dying colors are usually light to dark browns and black). Thats why I was so shocked when he had a seizure in my hands and died. I use the zoo med kit light and bulbs and also purchased a 5.0 Reptisun UVB bulb. The vet said the aggressive eye rubbing on the branches and him keeping his eyes closed was due to vitamin a deficiency. I told her about his white diarrhea and she said nothing on testing. I live in Denver, CO and went Vida Veterinary in Centennial. Thank you so much.
You said..."I also did more research on his possible death causes and there is a long list of signs he showed. He showed for MBD, URI, mouth rot, dehydration, tongue problems, vitamin a deficiency, kidney failure, and more"...I have to agree wit @jannb that I see no signs of MBD. I see no signs of mouth rot either...but I can't see inside his mouth. Could he not extend his tongue? You can tell if he was dehydrated by the color of the urates....if they were white or almost white he was hydrated. I can speak about the kidneys. I'm not a vet...just give my best opinion after over 30 years of experience.

So sorry for your loss. Hope the other one will be ok. If you have to go to a vet, I would suggest Dr. Dayna as well!
Yes I did wash my hands thoroughly after handling the other one. Yes, I also used separate equipment for the two. Yes, they're enclosures were in the same room but about five feet apart. I just moved my little guys enclosure out of the room for cleaning and incase my juvenile was being affected by any possible pheromones.

This was my baby Pascal. I am so so heartbroken. I was able to get my juvenile to eat one silkworm but she is extremely timid with me and would not stop staring at my eyes instead of her food I offered her. The last photo was right before he fell and passed.
i guess it was a upper respiratory infection according to your description i almost cried reading this
You said..."I also did more research on his possible death causes and there is a long list of signs he showed. He showed for MBD, URI, mouth rot, dehydration, tongue problems, vitamin a deficiency, kidney failure, and more"...I have to agree wit @jannb that I see no signs of MBD. I see no signs of mouth rot either...but I can't see inside his mouth. Could he not extend his tongue? You can tell if he was dehydrated by the color of the urates....if they were white or almost white he was hydrated. I can speak about the kidneys. I'm not a vet...just give my best opinion after over 30 years of experience.

So sorry for your loss. Hope the other one will be ok. If you have to go to a vet, I would suggest Dr. Dayna as well!
The signs I was were mainly with lethargy and keeping his eyes shut as well as being to weak and falling. The mouth rot was right towards the end where little black spots were on his lips and he kept his mouth parted slightly. The one time he did try to eat a third of a worm, he could not stretch his tongue. Not sure how long they are supposed to be at his age. The kidney sign I saw was also right before he passed with an enlarged internal organ seeming to be swollen right above his pelvis on one side. His poop was pure pure white and then he stoped pooping two days before he passed. And thank you for your help and encouragement. I didn't know him for long but he honestly was the most precious little boy. I hope he is no longer feeling pain.
i guess it was a upper respiratory infection according to your description i almost cried reading this
Yes at least part of it. He would always have is head raised and gasp for air every minute or so. I have honestly not stopped crying. It was one of the most painful things I've witnessed ever
Very sorry for what you and your baby went through. Heartbreaking.
I am assuming your juvenile is also a veiled...
Yes she is also a veiled. So so saddened. We had plans to breed them when Pascal grew. I want to start a petition to stop Petco from mistreating their reptiles (specifically chameleons). There was another baby being sold from his same enclosure. I hope she is surviving well wherever she is.
Hey guys, this is hard to write about as it is so recent. On Feb 28th, I bought a 2 month old male veiled Cham from Petco (I'll post another thread about why this was a bad decision). He looked fine and acted fine but refused to eat anything, barley drank, and continuously was aggressively rubbing his eyes on branches. Within two days, he declined to keeping his eyes shut all day and not moving (the few times he did, he climbed blindly). He got so bad that March 3rd I took him into the vet. The vet said she believes he has severe MBD and malnutrition (which is why I hate Petco for their neglect towards Chams). She said he was not well and gave him a Vitamin A shot as well as a list of vitamins to buy and feed him when he started eating. Until he started eating, I was told to force feed him the calcium and other medication she gave me twice a day. The first dose went well and he perked up after his vitamin a shot (even opening his eyes)! The next day, his conditioned worsened and he did not move all day or open his eyes. When the third feeding time came, it took me three hours to get him all of the food due to his small mouth and him not swallowing well. He spent the day every few minutes tilting his head up and gasping for air. I knew he was not well but I did not want to give up. In the evening, he was pale yellow and he was so weak he kept falling from his branches. He did this 4 times and I set him on lower branches to try and help any more possible incidents. He then almost fell but caught himself. Then his body aggressively wiggled and I saw him poop (or what I thought to be poop). He then lost grip so I picked him up and he was absolutely lifeless. I was about to put him back when his eyes opened wide and then his body began to tense up and shake. His limbs curled up as he seized in my hands and then his heart stopped. He turned black within an hour later. I am crushed. It was so painful to watch and I felt evil everytime I had to force-feed him. Also, my juvenile was extremely dark the entire day and as soon as he passed she actually brightened up. I wonder if she could sense his upcoming death. Now, My sixth month old female veiled turns a dark grey, green, brown when I try to feed her or even just look in her enclosure. She is hiding in spots of her enclosure that she never goes to. I never kept the two together. They both have separate enclosures that are not even right next to each other. When I tried to feed her, she hides, gets an unusual color and actually stares at my baby's now empty enclosure. I don't know what is going on with her. Please, please help. I will not know how to act if they both pass within a few days of each other.
Damn those petco people, wild chameleon finding is superior!
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