My boys WON!!!

I am SOOOO super excited! There was a lot of drama in this contest! Originally, the winner was to be determined by the photo with the greatest number of Facebook "likes". I was losing by MILES! Well, it turns out that one of the contestants was cheating and the numbers of "likes" weren't accurate. SOOO, That Pet Place decided that the winner would be determined by being judged INTERNALLY.....and they picked MINE!!! This makes the win so much sweeter, it was genuine, and not a popularity contest!!! YAY FUEGO and BONSAI!!!!
Congrats on the win, that is AWESOME!! Who is the sire of the cham on the left in your pic, the one with the super strong blue bars- he is PHENOMENAL!!
You're got a couple of gorgeous chams there. :)

Thank you:):D I won a $50 gift card but I was much more excited that Fuego and Bonsai will be featured on the cover of their FB page for a week AND they will be featured on the LCD display screens at the front of the store. The guys in the reptile room do a good job taking care of their animals, chameleons included.
That is fantastic news!! I am happy for you, it sounds like you earned you win. You do have some beautiful chams. i agree anything from Chuck G. is high quality.
Congrats!! You definitely deserved to win!! Those are the most intense colors ive ever seen! You must be one proud papa!!!

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