My Cham is biting the fake plants

No I havent didn't know they could eat veggies. What veggies can I give my Cham

not sure but i have herd that some people give strawberries to there veiled as snacks i would hope that some one with a veiled would chime in soon....
but i would think that anything that is nutritious would be fine try posting it as a ? in chameleon food
You can offer a veiled the same greens (dandelions, kale, collards, endive, escarole, etc.) and veggies (carrots, squash, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, zucchini, etc.) you use to gutload/feed the insects with...and a little bit of fruit (pear, apple, melon, berries, etc.).

One of the reasons I always say to use real plants is that there is a danger of a veiled chameleon trying to ingest the fake ones...and it can lead to an impaction. The plants should be well-washed (both sides of the leaves) before using them.
I had a veiled eat an entire HUGE pothos leaf. He didn't poop for a day or two... but he shot for a bug, missed and pulled the leaf in... and swallowed it. Now imagine this being a plastic plant............. not good.
my veiled loves fruit and veggies, but i have also seen my panther try to bite on a fake leaf now and then.. it he well watered he could be searching for moisture. my fake plants seem to very well constructed and are he is not able to bite or tear off a piece but i would reccommend having mostly real plants for this reason..
as for verggies my guy likes kale, dandlion, and collard greens, and almost all fruits. just keep portions similar to the size of feeder you would use and i use it as a treat not a staple.. jmo

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