my cham outside last two days?


New Member
ok well i havnt got a pic yet but ive taken my cham out on my porch today and yest morn for about 3-4hrs each time.He really seems to enjoy it he stays a real nice bright green with some nice yellow stripes:confused:? but the thing is he's easy going to get out but he doesnt want to leave the porch and he moves thru out his "outside" umbrella plant where i cannot get him .i feel bad i stressed him out today trying get him but i had to leave and thought the 2min of stress was better then being left on my porch and having something happen?was that an ok move?to me is was.. just wasnt sure
Well you gotta weigh the options. Stress him out to get him to a safe place, or leave him exposed to the elements or wild animals. He may have been stressed but nothing ate him. I would say you did the right thing.
yea ive been debating about moving his cage out there that way he is protected but idk he seems to like the sun better then his uvb he just seems more active out there u just idk if he could take florida heat all day
Thats ok, sometimes chameleons don't know what's good for them. Just imagine if you left him out there and along came a predator or something:eek:. Then stress would be the last thing your cham would have to be worried about
kids like doing as they please, just because theyre happy doing it wont mean its safe. example, i like playing in the beach as a kid, but i hated sunscreen. although it was irritating to have sunscreen, i'd rather be mad than have skin cancer
Ive moved my guy in-n-out every day for more than 2 weeks before during winter. He will be fine...Since its too cold sometimes, I find that he will purposely fall asleep on certain sides of the cage so I can come get him. They get stressed, but it is definitely ok.

These things are way more durable then people make them out to be.
thanks for i feel like im walkin on pins and needles with this guy nervious about doing something wrong or to much wrong...
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