My chameleon broke her jaw


Neptune the Chameleon
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Breeding chameleons comes with risks and unfortunately my female chameleon Venus broke her jaw while trying to mate with Neptune. This was a really hard video to film and a tough decision to post about but I wanted to make sure I share my experience and hopefully help educate other chameleon keepers. Watch to see what happened and learn about her recovery.

So glad they are both ok and Venus healed well. Even when it’s hard, you always seem to get your feelings set aside to help other keepers. You share the good, bad, ugly, and it’s greatly appreciated. 🥰
Wow! That was an amazing video! That was such a freak accident IMHO…she must have hit whatever broke it very hard and just in the right position to break it like that.

You have a great vet! The way the jaw was stitched to the stick was IMHO, the best idea ever! The treatment (antibiotics, pain meds, etc) were all perfect too. I really liked the way you immobilized her to do the injections too…as a stress free as possible!

I don’t know which way is better for introducing them to mate…but what I always did was put the male into the female‘s cage. I was told to do that many years ago and since it worked, I never changed it. I was told it gave the female the “upper hand” because it was her territory….and it seemed more natural to me because the males seek out the females to mate with them…the females don’t chase spatter the males. One other thing, my “preparation” to separate them, if things went south, was to wear a leather glove so I could put my fingers/hand between them to stop any fighting if it did happen.

It was very interesting to see what happened and to hear about all that went on after in the healing process. The scabbing is definitely slow in chameleons. Your feeding her soft insects was a great idea too.

It always is expensive to get treatment for chameleons for serious injuries requiring surgery…but we should be aware of that and prepared to deal with it if we really want to keep them.

I hope whatever is going on with Neptune goes well for you too! Sorry to hear you’ve had to go through all of this. It’s not easy to cope with.
Hugs and love, Gingero! It’s all part of the “joy” of keeping chameleons.

Thought I’d add this… is often,and straight through the bone.
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Thank you! It was actually really cool to see the healing process and how the scar formed.
Yes! Even just watching that video was very interesting! Sucks that it happened, but at least now there is something to be learned from it and possibly help someone else in the future.
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