my chameleon didnt eat today


New Member
I have a three month old female panther Chameleon i have had her for three days but today she did not eat. Is it normal to miss a day of eating?
Well the young ones usually don't go on the "hunger strikes" as we call them so much like the adults. Did she eat a lot the first three days you have had her? She is still settling in and that can take some time, so hopefully it is not too much to worry about. Give it a few more days and see what happens.
See how she does over the next few days. They can easily eat 20 plus crickets a day when they get going! Is that your chameleon inyour avatar or a different one that you are talking about? The reason I ask, is because that one looks like a male in your picture.
Lol that's my male he never has a problem eating lol i will put my female up she's much smaller. She usually eats ten a day but today she wouldn't eat. I will see what she does tomorow and i will post back.
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