My chameleon fell!


New Member
I had taken out my baby veiled chameleon to mist her cage (so I don't spray her because she hates that) and I had her on my arm. Well all was fine and she was just climbing around on me, but then she just fell off and landed on the floor! I don't know if I should be concerned that she fell, like if she could get any serious injuries from that or not. She doesn't seem lethargic and she's moving around fine, but I also know that reptiles hide things very well. She landed on carpet if that helps.
how far did she fall? chances are she will be okay I have had a couple of my chams try to make leaps off their free range and have not had any problems. As long as their is no visible damage (cuts, bent limbs) I am sure it will be okay. I would just keep an eye on her for the next few days. :D
I had taken out my baby veiled chameleon to mist her cage (so I don't spray her because she hates that) and I had her on my arm. Well all was fine and she was just climbing around on me, but then she just fell off and landed on the floor! I don't know if I should be concerned that she fell, like if she could get any serious injuries from that or not. She doesn't seem lethargic and she's moving around fine, but I also know that reptiles hide things very well. She landed on carpet if that helps.
Leave her in there to spray her as well, young ones generally hate misting but it does not harm them. But be sure not to douse her too much because getting a lot of water into her nostrils will cause problems. Also make sure the water isn't frigid; keeping it at room temp is best.

For her little accident, everything sounds fine, as chams do fall, as my male Veiled has fallen from time to time and is still fine. She could get hurt from falling as anything could in a freak accident of breaking a limb or knocking themselves out or something to that affect, so try to prevent it whenever possible. Just keep an eye on her and let us know if anything changes :)
Well that's a relief, I don't see any cuts or anything broken so I guess that means she's alright :D It just scared the crap out of me of course! And okay, I'll leave her in there from now on when I mist :) Thank you!!
I just had that happen Friday, myself. My veiled decided the floor looked like a great place to visit and took a leap. He darkened up for a minute and then decided all was fine. I expected to see some bruising...but as of yet none. So apparently it was worse for me than for him, but it did scare me a bit.
Don't take all the blame, chams often jump. Your cham may have wanted to explore.:) Anyway if she is well, it is all good.
Don't take all the blame, chams often jump. Your cham may have wanted to explore.:) Anyway if she is well, it is all good.

So true mine decide he'd try his tale out by hanging upside down to nab a cricket and fell right in his feeder pot what a goof hope your guy or gal is ok
^same here lol my veiled is so silly he loves hanging upside down little does he know that he's gonna have to lose some weight if he wants to keep doin that, he's gettin chunky!
Should be ok :) in the wild chameleons puff up when they drop from tree limbs to get away from a predator....hopefully she puffed up before landing! No worries
My chameleon finds it necessary to take nose dives off his free range :rolleyes: He always has a small scab on his chin but now he is on carpet so it should go away soon.
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