My chameleon is eating the soil of my plant ?....

I have a dripper set up and he is watching it hit the dirt and then eating it .... Is that okay ?
I'd cover it with moss. The soil in the plant may have fertilizer or other toxins.
My one male did this when He first arrived here and I posted a thread asking about it .
The answer was mostly they were looking for minerals from the soil that they lacked.
He appeared very healthy and I do gutload and dust food items. But I did not use a multi vitamin at that time. So I went out right away and got a good mulit vit powder for chameleons . And covered the soil. He has not done it since and he is 4 months old now.

His photo is my avatar so you can see he's quite healthy
Also soil may have small rocks that he could choke on! Do cover the soil with live moss or other natural covering like non-dyed Sphagnum moss
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