My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?


New Member
I have meal worms for my chameleon but he won't eat them. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, could someone give me advice please?

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Attach to your post and send a few pics of the cham. and the enclosure for us to take a look. Meal worms are not a staple, nor are they advised to feed regularly, given their hard exoskeleton and problems with digestion. You'll find a link above in the home page that addresses nutrition and husbandry for most chameleon species under resources. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yes like MSmorgan said meal worms are not good for a staple feeder. If I were you "after you fill out the ask for help form" try changing it up a bit. Give him some crickets, super worms, Dubai roaches, silk worms, horn worms, Some say blue bottle flies do wonders to stop a hunger strike. Good luck
He's in the process of shedding right now. I can still post pictures though, if you'd like.


Follow this link and fill out the questions provided.

Attach to your post and send a few pics of the cham. and the enclosure for us to take a look. Meal worms are not a staple, nor are they advised to feed regularly, given their hard exoskeleton and problems with digestion. You'll find a link above in the home page that addresses nutrition and husbandry for most chameleon species under resources. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you. I've not had him long so it worried me when I seen he hadn't eaten in a couple days. Where can I get blue bottle flies? I've never heard of them.

Yes like MSmorgan said meal worms are not good for a staple feeder. If I were you "after you fill out the ask for help form" try changing it up a bit. Give him some crickets, super worms, Dubai roaches, silk worms, horn worms, Some say blue bottle flies do wonders to stop a hunger strike. Good luck
Hey JimmysWife,
There are many sponsors Coastal silkworms, mulberry farms, mantis place, member Nick Barta,
Linda's got buggies are all good feeder suppliers
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