My Chameleon won't eat


Hello all i am a new member and would appreciate if someone is able to help me, I have a female pantha chameleon and she's 10 months old. iv had her for 6 month and she always had a small appritite regardless to what I offer.
she has been to see a vet and he does not seem that worried about her!!
I offer locusts, meal worms, wax worms.
so can any one offer productive advice please please :)
Do you feed her crickets? My chameleons staple is crickets but he also gets dubia roaches and the occasional weal worm that has just molted
No iv not tried, I feed them to my bearded dragons but the thought of me not being able to find any left overs of an evening scares me, I don't want her to be biten by them at night!!
You could also try dubia roaches. I feed my chameleon crickets in a cup that they can not jump out of (I don't know why they can't) and count how many he gets. Most of the time I watch him eat to make sure he eats them all. If not I take them out.
ok well maybe that is somethin I can try, what should I put crickets in??
my lola is only 60g and very tiny I'm startin to thing she's a dwarf chameleon ( is that possible) iv got a lady beingin me a few silk worms tomoz to try with lola before I buy a batch, and hoping this will help.
she has been poorly with a prolapse bowel but been verys and all working well, she's had a movement since although loose ( she's on laxatives to soften her stools) usage still white however she was dehydrated from prolapse but seem a ok now, just won't eat grrrrr
I would stop feeding the mealworms/ they are hard to digest & can cause impaction!
I put my crickets in a plastic cup like this. Its about 2 inches deep and 3 inches from side to side. I just sit it in some of the vines in his cage.


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Sorry I do t think my 1st post was too clear, iv not used meal worms or morio worms for a couple months. This is somethin I tried to get her eating again!! she consumed a couple morio worms over a period of a couple weeks but soon stopped eating as per everything else :-(
I put my crickets in a plastic cup like this. Its about 2 inches deep and 3 inches from side to side. I just sit it in some of the vines in his cage.
ahhh ok, I see. I will give this ago as I'll try anything to get her to put on some weight and lift this hunger strike. Thank u, appreciate ur time
So today iv been given silkworms to try with my baby, so far she's only watched and not fired. how long shall I leave it in? it's been in since 9.30!!

I have bought a long container to put crickets in as reccommended yest , I'm currently gut loading the crickets shall I offer whilst silky still in there or wait .

I have had to feed previously by opening her mouth, should I try feed silky to her or leave?? any advice is helpful please!!
You can put them in the container but they may crawl out . I don't know about putting them with the crickets though. My chameleon also likes to eat off of the side of his cage so I just put the bug on the side and watch him to see if he eats it it usually works. My first chameleon did not eat so I would put him at the bottom of the cage and release some crickets.
I hope this helps and that she starts eating
Do you feed her crickets? My chameleons staple is crickets but he also gets dubia roaches and the occasional weal worm that has just molted
she's just eaten 2 small crickets that escaped beaker . although don't sound alot, it is amazing fingers crossed.
she won't however fire into beaker
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