My chameleon


New Member
I have a veiled she's still a baby kinda she's been eating baby crickets but I think there to small for her when should I try n ones
I have a veiled she's still a baby kinda she's been eating baby crickets but I think there to small for her when should I try n ones

What size are the crickets you are currently feeding ? ("baby crickets" = pinheads?)

And how old is your Veiled, Post a pic if possible.

1/4" crickets should be fine.
When i thought my chameleon was ready for bigger food, i bought a box of the next size up but just put a few of them in at once. She ate them that day, so i continued to feed her the bigger crickets.
Once she grew a bit more, i increased the size of the crickets, but found when i put a few of them in, she was weary of them. I knew that she wasn't ready for the larger ones and i had to take them back out.
If you put in crickets that are too large then it can frighten them and they may stop eating. Maybe if you try to put just a few in at once and see how your chameleon responds.
Hope this helps :)
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