My Female Chameleon


New Member
I recently adopted her from a pet store whos vendor didnt take appropriate care for her. When I got her her limbs were swollen. They said that she was a European Chameleon (which I have never heard of) but now shes doing better and is very fat!!! I call her my baby girl and she loves to be handled. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this type of chameleon as I have tried to do as much research as possible but have found nothing.

30(tall)X16(width)X16(depth) Reptarium Enclosure
Super UV Lamp
75 Watt SunGlo basking Bulb
Plenty of Vines
LIVE Umbrella Plant

Gut Loaded Crickets(Dusted 3-4 Times a Week)

Also is there a better calcium dust?
I am currently using ReptoCal mixed with some ReptoLife is this good or is there something better?:confused:

post a pic please :)
and i would be concern of "very fat" situation.
Looking at your avatar, she looks gravid.
here she is! fat she only fattens up when she wants to...hahaha but she eats great ive never had a problem with that haha:D Shes not the prettiest but I still love her her!! She actually likes to be held when I come home she puts her front hands on the mesh and when i open it she tries to get on my hands. Of course I let her...some of you may think this is weird but she likes to crawl on top of my head and just sit there. I love her im glad I adopted her.


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I wish my veiled was as friendly!!! But be careful when she gets older climbing on your head...those nails can huuuuuuuurt. :eek:

And she is pretty!
I don't think that's a veiled.
I'm guessing it's chamaeleo chameleon
taken from:

It is a bit fat IMHO.
how many crickets are you feeding her?
the problem of making her overweight is MBD.
Metabolic Bone Disorder. Her bone will not be able to support her weight (thus breaking them).
mealworm is not a good staple feeder for her.
try silkworm, super worm, dubia roach, crickets, and phoenix worms.
Wow, she sure is fat alright. Nice job getting her to eat so well. Her belly girth is rather large so I agree the gravid possibilty is one to keep in mind.

Sure looks like a common chameleon. If it's indeed the European subspecies it would be Chamaeleo chameleon chameleon. Here's a nice link with a long care sheet by Kinyonga from this site, whom has had extensive success with the species: http://
the problem of making her overweight is MBD.
Metabolic Bone Disorder. Her bone will not be able to support her weight (thus breaking them).
mealworm is not a good staple feeder for her.
try silkworm, super worm, dubia roach, crickets, and phoenix worms.

A varied diet and good lighting are of course important but the animal grew up in the wild, and is finished growing. MBD is really about the lowest thing on the list of wc animal worries. Good food, lots of water, good lighting, and deparasitize as necessary.
Its quite likely that this female is gravid. Do you have a suitable place in her cage for her to lay eggs? (The normal time for them to lay eggs is really almost I would hate to find out that she has had nowhere to lay the eggs and is as fat as she is because she is eggbound or close to it.) Please give her somewhere to lay the egg RIGHT AWAY!

All you need for now is a container that when empty is big enough for her to fit into with a couple of inches of space on all sides including above her. I use washed playsand that has been moistened to fill the container (about 2/3rds full). If you don't have that now even fertilizer-free potting soil would do for today....although I don't like using that at all.

I want to get this much of the information on-line fast so you have a better chance of reading it. I will come back later iwh more.
Back again!

I use a regular incandescent lightbulb in a hood for a basking area. Use whatever wattage it takes to get the temps. into the mid 80'sF. Appropriate basking temperature is important for good digestion.

I use a Repti-Sun 5.0 VB bulb on the cage as well.

Exposure to UVB allows the chameleon to produce vitamin D3 which allows it to use the calcium in its diet....particularly important if she is gravid...or has MBD.

Most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous so dusting the insects with a phosphorous-free calcium powder (like Rep-Cal) before feeding them to the chameleon.

I also dust with a vitamin powder that has a beta carotene source of vitamin A twice a month.

If your chameleon gets no direct sunlight, I would also dust twice a month with a phos.-free calcium/D3 powder.

Regarding MBD....can you post a picture of her arms when they are bent at the elbow please?
Regarding MBD....can you post a picture of her arms when they are bent at the elbow please?

Yeh I definately can its a little late now(she sleeping):cool: but I can definately do that tommorow! Thank you everyone for your help its great that there is a cimmunity like this that can be so dedicated! I also feel that she is a Chamaeleo Chamaeleo Chameleon because she does do the spot thing every now and then. As for the eggs I will get on that tomorow for her and I will keep you guys updated. Even though they wont be fertile I hope she lays eggs :D Thanks Again!
Here is a pic of her I took today I put the sand on in a tupperware container big enough for her to go in but nothing yet...she doesnt even seem interested in it:(but she ate like a beast 3 crickets today...


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