my first chamameleon


New Member
hey im new to this site alrough i dont have a chameleon atm i am soon to be gettin a veiled and i have done alot of reading up on what to get how to feed them etc but i was just wondering if anyone could be kind enough to list exactly what i will be needing to keep one and maybe post a picture of an enclosure.

atm im lookin into gettin a 29x29x60 screen enclosure will that be sutible?

That size cage would be suitable for an adult Veiled or Panther, but a youngster would need a smaller cage in order to find food. I would recommend getting a chameleon about 2-3 months old and maybe a 16X16X30 sized cage to start. Reptariums ( are a good way to go or even better are screen cages ( You will need a Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 and flourescent fixture, a clamp lamp, a digital thermometer, a spray bottle, calcium supplement, and some live plants at the very least to get started. And save yourself the heartache of pet store animals and buy from one of the breeders on the Home page of this site.
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Here is a pic of various sized cages and lighting, plants, etc...
Welcome to the site :)

Welcome to the site :) There are a lot of resources here to look at and you can also read care info on breeder's sites like Brad mentioned. Do a lot of reading, reading and more reading. You will save yourself some $$$ too when you don't buy things you don't really need or that are not suitable. Some of us, like me in particular, have a closet full of stuff like that. Also, make logging on to this site a part of your daily schedule. Spend a little time just reading people's new posts. You will see lots of your future questions answered in advance if you do this :)
Welcome to the forum!
This is a good place to learn about chameleons.

Here are some set-ups...

These sites have lots of information.....

In addition to the cage...
branches and plants/greenery (non-toxic and well washed...both sides of the leaves).

You need a mister to spray the cage with and a dripper once the chameleon is 3 or so months old. Hydration is important.

You need a basking light that should be placed to one side over the cage. It can be a regular household bulb in a hood. This should provide the appropriate temperature for basking which will allow for proper digestion. (Low to mid 80's for hatchlings, high 80's for adults.)

You need a UVB light (unless your chameleon can spend a lot of time outside). Exposure to UVB allows the chameleon to produce vitmain D3 which allows it to use the calcium in its diet. UVB from the lights or the sun should not pass through glass or plastic.

The lights can be left on 12 to 14 hours a day.

You need insects of appropriate size for the chameleon that have been fed a nutritious diet and gutloaded before being fed to the chameleon. Dusting the insects with a phorphorous-free calcium powder helps to make up for the poor ratio of calcium to phos. in most of the insects that we use as feeders.

A vitamin powder can be used twice a month to dust the insects to ensure that the chameleon gets the vitamins it needs. Using one with a beta carotene source will prevent a build up of vitamin A in the chameleon's system..however there is controversy about the ability of all species of chameleon to convert beta carotene to vitamin A so you might need to use a little preformed from time to time if the chameleon shows signs of needing it. Excess preformed vitamin A can build up in the system and prevent the D3 from doing its job and lead to MBD.

If your chameleon gets no direct sunlight, then it may need a phos.-free calcium/D3 powder to be dusted on the crickets twice a month lightly. D3 from supplements can build up in the system and cause problems, so don't over-do it.

Calcium, phosphorous, D3 and vitamin A are all important for good bone health and need to be in balance. Supplements, what you feed to your insects, lighting and temperature all play a part in this.

If you have a female, once she is about 5 months old you need to provide a suitable place for her to lay eggs because they can produce them without having mated and failure to provide a place can lead to eggbinding.

I don't recommend the use of substrates in arboreal chameleon cages...too many of them can cause impaction.

There is no need for heat at night unless your house gets too cold.

I've probably missed somethings...but maybe someone else will fill in the holes.
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