My Handsome Jackson's "Triton"


Avid Member
Hi everyone...Here are a few pics of "Triton" my Jackson's Chameleon and his home.
He is a super boy...I've had him for 11 months. Purchased him as a sub adult from lllreptile. I had my doubts about having him shipped...In January... from CA to Maine (doesn't get much farther then that..LOL) But he was packaged beautifully and perfect upon arrival

Now he is a sexy little man and he knows it! He is 6" from nose to base of tail and 11" from nose to tail. The living room is his domain...Seriously "He thinks it's all about Triton"....even my 2 fat cats don't bother him...he proudly walks by with horns raised in the air like a crown. He really doesn't mind being handled and if I'm on the computer or watching TV at night he'll fall asleep on my hand or arm with tail curled up like a little baby. I just love him!! :)

TRITON 1.jpg

TRITON 3.jpg

TRITON 4.jpg

TRITON 5.jpg
Hi Adam,

Yes he is my first...I've always wanted one sinc I saw them on National Geographic when I was a kid!
He's lovely! Your story's very familiar - my first cham was a Jackson's, he was shipped to northerly climes in January (from Florida to Michigan), and he had the run of the livingroom. Triton has nicer, longer horns than my Saccardo ever did, though.
jax were my first too

Jackson's were my first lizard too. In 1974! I saw them at the exhibit in the Steinhart Aquarium on a visit to San Francisco, and bugged my parents until they relented, and let me have a pair. They cost my whole savings and some parental buy-in too. Best pet ever.

Your guy is way better looking than mine ever was. I would have loved it if I could have got him half as fat as your guy... maybe three-quarters. Back then we didn't know about other feeder insects; it was just mealworms and crickets. No supplements, no gut loading. No supplemental lighting, no mist. It was the dark ages of reptile-keeping.

Glad to see a fat Jackson's. Even in Hawai`i with all the bugs and the spam they don't get so plump.

Not to worry or anything. But say, have you ever considered gut-loading the crix with powdered Slimfast? Does Jenny Craig do silkworms? What if you raised roaches on grapefruit? :D

Just kidding - keep him happy!

Thanks for sharing your photos, and I hope you'll keep on posting more.
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