My Jackson's Chameleon doesn't look so good...

Mama Lizzy

New Member
Hey all,

So I've been a Jackson's chameleon owner since April now.

I don't think my girl is thriving in her cage and I'm worried she's not going to make it.

We've been feeding her solely on fruit flies since we got here at 3 weeks of age (which is very small for someone not familiar with chameleons!).

I fed her two mealworms last week, and she seemed ok eating them.

She's been hanging out in the lower areas of her cage for the last few days, and I'm worried.

We live in a very hot, dry climate, and we are misting her cage constantly by hand.

I've seen the fruit flies we put in her cage crawling on her, and I'm pretty certain that chameleons don't usually allow that to happen.

Any suggestions on what to do with her?
Are you running a basking lamp? If so how strong? How close is it? My jackson did the same thing then I moved the basking lamp up a little higher with a lamp hangar and it worked. Just a suggestion. I know both my jacksons go through feeding frenzys. She might even be about ready to shed.
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3 weeks is very young. Jacksons are notoriously difficult and sensitive babies.
Yes, we've got a basking lamp for her.

Perhaps it's just a growing spurt or shedding time.

Just want to make sure she is taken care of properly. I'm new to this.

She's now about 4 months old :)

Tomorrow I will fill out that info.

Thanks guys!
Also, maybe show us a picture of your set up? And for the record, fruit flies crawling on your chameleon isn't as bad as it seems. Not good, but the chameleon cannot really do much if they even realise that it's there. So try to prevent it but try not to worry or stress over it either as long as it is jus one fruit file on her or so. Not infested.

Lastly, at 4 months old I really think it'd be time to start feeding her crickets, but I remember you saying that you've tried. Just try again? Small crickets. She might not want to take it from your hand, so maybe try from a cup?
your baby is 4 mos old and only eating f/f ? - she needs more food- variety - I start my babies from day one on f/f and pin head crix - I know they can be fussy at times , and refuse food- but dont stop offering them - you can also go to the list of sponsors, there are many tiny food items you can get and offer her - try getting maybe hornworm/silk eggs, and feed the hatch-lings, I would not feed her meal worms - ( just mho ) there are bean Beatles , you can get calci worms, and also let those hatch into solder flies - she would most likely love anything that will fly - there are even flies you can purchase - dont give up offering dif/ types of food - have you tried roaches ? but she needs more than f/f - her little body is doing most of its growing right now - If you want to PM me, I will be happy to send you a " goodie box " of what I have that I feed my juv/ chams , but hurry - my hormworm eggs will start to hatch any day, and they grow very fast - lol I can send you some baby roaches too - I am NO fan of the roach, but they are an excellent feeder - if they were not so good for them - I would not keep them - lol - let me know if you would like me to send you anything :) ( as long as you live in the US ;) ) no charge, just " paying it forward " :D
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