my little friend


New Member
hi everyone :) this is my first post, and my first chameleon - veiled male.

just took my little pal, Jango, in to see the vet (Dr Kevin Wright, board certified in reptiles/amphibians, practices with Dr Johnson at Arizona Exotic Animal Hosp: for slight eye problem & possible mild uri (sometimes rubs L. eye, seems not to open fully at times). i also heard one slight wheeze (only heard it once when i positioned his nose practically inside my ear and listened for ~ 30 min of breathing) and a few faint popping sounds when he breathes (few times only). he got his eye flushed (thickened secretions not coming out on their own). not sure if the eye flush helped...just aided him in getting out a very teeny tiny blob of thickened material (clearish-white) from the outside corner of his eye after misting..i saw more in his eye (under magnification), but he rolled his eye which moved it somewhere i couldn't see.

Tx plan includes:
A) 2 daily warm bath soaks for 30 min each, water deep enough to cover his feet, lower legs, cover container w/plastic and put in larger container to maintain steaminess.
B) up his reptivites to q 3 days instead of 4. i was rotating daily: Ca, Cal+D3, sticky tongues Minerall, zoo med reptivites. was told to stop the Ca and only do Ca with D3 (while growing), so now i'm rotating Ca+D3, Minerall and Reptivites (to increase Vit A to aid secretions)
C) fog cage for 1 hour in a.m. prior to lights on time. but i'm thinking i'll fog for 2 hours morning & eve since i live in AZ.
D) continue misting 3-4 times daily
E) baytril PO b.i.d.
F) Ciprofloxacin eye drops t.i.d. - q.i.d.
G) Fecal pending...

nothing was said to me about his size/weight other than hatchlings can vary in size. mine was the smallest of 3 males when i got him, was reportedly 4 months at the time, he's grown since i've had him (purchased late Dec, early Jan), and he's shed twice. he's now 25 grams, which seems small to me. when i went to get crickets last night, i asked specifically how old they were, was told 8 mo, so not sure what's up with that discrepancy. i was also told they were negative for parasites. they use the same vet i do for their store animals

anyway, i'm concerned about his size/weight. shouldn't he be bigger? this is my first cham, and i don't know what's average, nor do i know how to determine it since there seems to be a question about his age. Jango hunts, is an active feeder, always has food available. sometimes, he misses his target and gives up on that attempt. i don't think he's too thin, his tail is nice and plump, i just think he's small maybe (depending on his real age, which i don't know).

i REALLY love my little guy and i'm very meticulous about his care. i just want to make sure i'm doing EVERYTHING right. i have a good cham cage (screened with 1 wall glass) for baby to juvie sized chams, 10 UVB light, 50 Watt basking spot ~ 6 inches above his perch, right temps for day/night, eats crickets, roaches (not as much as crickets) and wax worms (4 to 6 every day, i feed these from my hand which he LOVES, he snags them so fast, immediately! but then he doesn't ever want anymore after he's had 2 or 3, until later in the day)

as of today, am monitoring his appetite CLOSELY, seems slightly less interested in his food than usual, just yesterday and today. also, this morning he seemed not to want to 'shoot' his tongue out, rather he got close and gently took the cricket. i'm just monitoring to see if it's a real issue or just a temporary. i checked his mouth, gums, tongue, jaw...all looked good from what i could see. i'm very gentle with giving him oral meds too. does anyone know if baytril/enrofloxacin causes a decreased appetite?

ok, thanks for 'listening', didn't mean to write a book :eek:
Hello and welcome to the forum. It sounds like you care for your guys and are doing everything right. Some people wait until it is too late to see a vet. It is nice to hear you got your guy there right off.
Baytril does cause a decrease in appetite. It can also cause dehydration so all the misting is really good. It has been a while since I have kept veileds, but if you don't get a good answer let me know and I will run down some info. Always feel free to ask more questions if you don't get answers or send me a pm and I will try to help.:):)
Thanks for your quick replies, i guess i wasn't expecting anything so fast :D

hes 8 months old and only weighs 25 grams?

hi reaction exactly!! again, i'm not sure of his real age, but even if he's only 6 months, it still seems veryyyyy small. though i've not had any experience with chams, this just doesn't seem right to me. he was very small when i got him, appeared to be a "baby", was only slightly larger than 1/2 the size of his 2 sibling brothers (same hatch). he had that small square-ish head with just a wee casque. i didn't think to measure him then, but he was maybe 2.25-2.5 inches body length (not including tail)?? now he's ~4 in. body length in just the 6 weeks-ish that i've had him.

i'm really worried. is this going to stunt his growth/affect his overall adult size??? the guy at the reptile shop said no, it just means he won't grow as fast, that it'll take him longer to reach full size, but that it won't affect his adult size. i'm not so sure about that. they do seem at least somewhat knowledgeable, for a pet store, that least they carry the right brands of reptile supplies, and that says a lot, in addition to their vet being a specialist....but who knows how much they listen to him, obviously they aren't feeding their chams enough! :( all the more reason i'm glad i got him out of there! i rarely trust pet stores.

his 1 brother is still there and is smaller than mine. the owner of the 3rd brother reportedly brought him back to trade for a bearded..and this 3rd brother (if it's really the same one, that is..i don't know) is huge, like 6 in. body length, bright colors and chunky.

Hello and welcome to the forum. It sounds like you care for your guys and are doing everything right. Some people wait until it is too late to see a vet. It is nice to hear you got your guy there right off.
Baytril does cause a decrease in appetite. It can also cause dehydration so all the misting is really good. It has been a while since I have kept veileds, but if you don't get a good answer let me know and I will run down some info. Always feel free to ask more questions if you don't get answers or send me a pm and I will try to help.:):)

hi laurie, thanks for your kind and caring reply, i so appreciate that :)
yep! i do not hesitate with my animals. first sign something's off or different, especially when they're this vulnerable for whatever reason (and there are multiple reasons), is all it takes for me, and they get checked out immediately.

i think the baytril is affecting his appetite, he eats, but not as much and that is so not like him. do i need to force feed him to keep his intake up?? he'll be on baytril for 10 more that ok for him to eat less for that long, especially considering he may be a true runt?? should i be supplementing his caloric intake with like an emergency recovery formula?

i'll call the vet on monday too. the vet didn't comment on his size or weight, he left that part blank on the summary sheet of notes he sent home with me...and i want to understand more what's going on with his size/weight, what it means for him now and in the future, and what possible problems i could face with him because of it.
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