my little guy is hiding alot!!?!?


New Member
Hi guys and thanks, as always, for any help in advance.
I have a new panther who is awesome. He is eating well, and drinking well. looks very healthy but is not seeming to take well to his new home. His husbandry is really nice and i have a similar set-up with my other chams and they are doing fine. He is in a slightly high traffic area but im not sure if that would cause the "hide and go seek" personality. :confused:
he likes to hide in the pothos, and it is usually towards the end of the day, 7pm and later. I have his lighting on from 830am-10pm on a timer. he is very active. and doesn't show any symptoms of any illness. any suggestions to help get him more acclimated to his new home? thanks everyone!:)
8.30 till 10 mite be abit to long ino most people have there lights on a 12hour cycle. i have mine 8 till 8 and he will go and hide/settle in for the nite about 7.30 he's probably geting settled for the nite and waiting for you to turn the lights off.
Great advice veildowner. The other thing to think about is covering part of the cage with a blanket or towel so he can explore freely without feeling watched.
good advise ill take the night down an hour and also covering the cage isnt a bad idea either, ill do a lttle of both and hopefully hell get more acclimated. thanks guys or gals
inner clock

good advise ill take the night down an hour and also covering the cage isnt a bad idea either, ill do a lttle of both and hopefully hell get more acclimated. thanks guys or gals

you can set the timer back an hour, however, he'll most likely still try to go to bed around 7 or 730. They seem to know when it's dusk. They need 12 hours of darkness usually to settle into their comfort zone. My timer is set from 730 am to 730 pm. and my chams all head for their sleeping spot around 7 pm and wait for the lights to go out.
Yes, at that time he's just waiting to go to sleep. My lights go off at 7:30 and my guys are usually comfortable in their typical hiding places by around 6:30. They just chill there looking around until their lights go off.
As with all the other comments, its probably the timings. Check early in the morning to see if he's up earlier than the lights come on and adjust them to suit. I find as Winter comes my guy goes to bed earlier and gets up later and in summer vice versa regardless of my lighting schedule (even with the blinds fully closed so he cant see the outside light!). He now has them on from 6:30 till 7:45 and is normally up just before the lights come on when I go in to put his food in!
Thanks guys, i think i have them running too late so i will definitely make a 2 hour adjustment at night and bring it back a half hour in the morning. Now as far as him going low in the enclosure and laying inside the dense part of the pothos..... is this normal, i have a few chams but most just go to their favorite spots, that are in plain sight. this little guy likes to get low in the enclosure and hide??
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