My little Jackson :)


Avid Member
Hi everyone :) This is Camomile, my Jackson. I tried my best to take these pictures :p These are all outside. He gets a daily shower :D




Oh yes!! He loves it :) The best part is that since it doesn't get cold, I can put him outside whenever I want.

Thanks everyone!

Very lucky! Wish my boys could get some outside time.. but its December in Maryland,, then again,, its not freezing cold, its actually almost warm... long sleeve weather. lol.
Very lucky! Wish my boys could get some outside time.. but its December in Maryland,, then again,, its not freezing cold, its actually almost warm... long sleeve weather. lol.

Aww, that sucks :p I couldnt be able to raise my cham without tropical weather
Two weeks old is VERY young to sell a chameleon, especially a Jackson baby! I got mine at 7 weeks old and that was only because I got him from my friend and she knew I would take the utmost care with him! The rest of the clutch have only just gone to their new owners. Could you start a thread of your own and show us some photos of your baby please?
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