My little Sleepysaurus!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Took this pic of Monty sleeping tonight and just had to share it! He is growing so well and I just love how tightly he curls his tail when he sleeps! Night night little man! :D


Another pic that I took a few days ago. He has the cutest face in the world!

I agree very adorable. i can't wait to get my jackson. at this moment i am living vicariously through you ;-)
Thanks everyone! He is one small bundle of cuteness!:D

How adorable!! He looks huuuge from the photos :eek: how big is he now?
In the 2nd one, it looks like he has lashes hahaha!

Thanks! I will weigh and measure him tomorrow. He is quite difficult to measure as he won't sit still for very long, lol! :rolleyes:
Sleepysaurus :D Good boy Monty, you sleep tight and don't grow up if you can help it.............
Sleepysaurus :D Good boy Monty, you sleep tight and don't grow up if you can help it.............

Lol! He's taking his time and I am quite happy with that! I weighed and measured him today (as best I could as he won't sit still!) He is 7.5 months now and weighs 24g and measures 10cm snout to vent and 18 cm overall, possibly 20cm but he wouldn't straighten his tail at the end!:rolleyes:
So stinkin' cute, I can't stand it. Don't think I can ever get a Jackson's now because I'd always be comparing him to Monty and wondering why he wasn't as adorable! :D

So stinkin' cute, I can't stand it. Don't think I can ever get a Jackson's now because I'd always be comparing him to Monty and wondering why he wasn't as adorable! :D


Lol! They are all different - they a look different too from what I've seen of the clutch mates recently. He is the most adorable l'il booger boy ever! I love how when I take him out he stands up on his back legs and reaches for my hair! I have always loved Ramsey (who belongs to Ginger - aka houseofchameleons) as he is so cute and friendly. Monty is his English cousin, lol!
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