My new babies won't eat fruit flys?


New Member
Hey All,

So I have 4 babies so far that hatched between Friday and Yesterday so they are only 3 days old max.

Thing is none of them are interested in Fruit Flies at all. I should have pin heads coming tomorrow but just thought it was strange. Usually they eat anything moving.

congrats on the hatch out. ive always hated using fruitflies, and have experienced this problem before. they wont starve themselves though. im sure they are picking off a couple when you arent working, but pin heads are typically a favorite. good luck
Sometimes it takes 3 - 7 days for them to start eating. I wouldn't worry too much, when they get hungry they will eat.
I am having the opposite problem -- not eating pinheads! Are you using hydei or melanogaster. I notice that even when very small my chams prefer the larger hydei.
Thanks all!!

I knew it took a bit for them to eat and I am sure they are pegging some without me looking. I am giving them the bigger ones.

And Susie I have about 8 of them hatched out now and looking great. 3 more to go.
It takes a couple of days before they start eating. My last of 21 ambilobes just finished hatching.16 days from the first to the last. once you see poo in the bottom of the bin you know there eating. They can be sneeky eaters or there just so small its easy to miss seeing them eat.
congrats on the hatch out. ive always hated using fruitflies, and have experienced this problem before. they wont starve themselves though. im sure they are picking off a couple when you arent working, but pin heads are typically a favorite. good luck

You have hatched and raised clutches? What specie?

Canzoman, it is normal for babies that hatch from eggs not to eat for a few days after they hatch like Tom said. If they are active, drinking and not sleeping during the day I am sure they will start eating for you soon. They may start off a little slow. Seems that yolk fills them up really good at the beginning;)
Thx all. I have bred T.Deremensis and Veileds but never had this issue they ate everything.
I get pin heads tomorrow and my new green tree python :)
Well all 10 of these babies are now eating everything in site. Fruit flies and 1/8 baby crickets. All are doing great.
I am having the opposite problem -- not eating pinheads! Are you using hydei or melanogaster. I notice that even when very small my chams prefer the larger hydei.

I have the exact same thing going on with my 2 week old. He loves fruitflies, and crickets...mmmm....not so much. He ate a few one day, but I caught him, a few days later, hunting them, than walking away.

Hopefully they will develop a taste for them when they grow a little older!
Hey, good to hear. Did you tweak anything in their setup?

Actually I did. I had them all in a small screen cage.

I then switch them into 2 separate tubs. Lined the bottom with paper towel and they feed much better. I just spray them 3 times a day for water.
How about a pic or 2;)

Here are 2 pics from this morning. They are not that great.


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