My new guy arrived today!


New Member
Well, just got him.

As this is my first cham, please tell me if anything looks odd or wrong with him, pics are only a few mins after he arrived.

His paper towel he came in was dry as a bone, I tried spraying a light mist on him, but he seemed displeased with that, so I sprayed everything around him, and got his body with a couple light sprays.

Is it normal for his legs to look so bony?

He crawled right onto my hand, but anything is better then a paper bag.:D

Hes smaller then I imagined. :p

Think his name will be Pitchfork
You have a healthy looking cham and his legs are not bony, they are normal cham legs. Congrats on Pitchfork:D
Jacksons chameleons seem to have more pronounced hip bones and knees compared to other chameleons, at least to me.

He looks great, other than his colors indicate he's a little stressed out, which is probably normal after being shipped and getting into his new home and having someone take pictures of him.

He looks great, enjoy and welcome!
Thanks, I have been leaving him be, he explored his free range a bit, now hes just chilling.

Seems like a laid back little guy. :D

Got him from FL.
Well he seems to be chilling, doing ok, a little stressed, but as expected from what I've read.

I bought him a hibiscus and dracaena earlier today.

Already have a small pothos, and ivy and spider plant. Hopefully I'll get rid of all the fake ones soon!
Nice looking cham. Love the name.
He'll be fine once he's settled in. Good luck on your new addition.
Thanks all for the kind words.

This morning when lights came on, I tried feeding with hemostats, he seemed interested, but no go.

So I hung a feeder cup, and he started munching away.:D:D

Hes got a cool personality... already seeing it after just a day.
Nice Jackson!! he looks a little stressed but if he's eating then you get passed the hard part. next thing you know he'll be light green!! BTW- i notice yellow right behind his eye, do you know if hes a Xanth or a Jacksonii?? would love to see more pics also:D
The pics are from within 30 mins after he arrived, he has been turning more green, I've been trying to stay away as much as possible.

I'll try and get more pics soon.
Love the name! Congrats on your new guy. Sounds like he is settling in well since he is already coloring up and eating! :)
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