My new Setup!!


New Member
hey guys im new to this forum as far as posting, ive been lurking for a bit though, just wanted to show everyone what im working with.

basically my setup is 4 LLL cages, 2 4' fluorescents and heat for each cage, all the flowers are silk and just for color and looks but the plants are real and the vine is from by the Sacramento river. water is setup through a pump mister, takes 2 pump and it drips for 30 seconds

my tenants are a male and female vield, and male and female ambilobe panthers from eric and

let me know what you think!!!

names john by the way!


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well id say welcome but youve been around since febuary haha, nice setups! they look great :) you should get som epics of the chams!
Wow and i thought planning for one veild was a big issue! :D well done you, keep the pic's coming! (can't wait to be up and running) :)
I like it, but I'd suggest more real plants, also dividers to keep them from seeing each other :)
The plants will eventually grow in since I have 2 6500k bulb on them, and there is plastic dividers between them ;-)
Fantastico! Couldn't see the dividers in the pic , I'm very jealous...I'd love to have a good collection like that all next to each other .
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