My melleri won't eat or drink and eye is clamped shut
Ambient 75
Bask 85
Humidity 70
Humidity and heat is difficult to keep up even with humidifier. It's cold and dry in Michigan. Bamboo sticks at various angles and umbrella tree.
I built a glass/screen cage 4ftx2ftx5ft. Eventually will build even bigger.
Was prepared to house smaller melleri. But when I opened the box he was about 20inches. The online dealer really screwed me over. A vet check determined he was dehydrated. They also gave me eye drops and antibiotics.
Also food for syringe feeding. I tried crickets and horned worms and he won't go for them. I mist him at least 5 times day for about 5-10 minutes each time. I would shower him but I have well water and not sure if it is safe. I figured I would work on hydrating him, feed and medicate. Then go back to vet for fecal check. I would have done so already but it isn't cheap. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ambient 75
Bask 85
Humidity 70
Humidity and heat is difficult to keep up even with humidifier. It's cold and dry in Michigan. Bamboo sticks at various angles and umbrella tree.
I built a glass/screen cage 4ftx2ftx5ft. Eventually will build even bigger.
Was prepared to house smaller melleri. But when I opened the box he was about 20inches. The online dealer really screwed me over. A vet check determined he was dehydrated. They also gave me eye drops and antibiotics.
Also food for syringe feeding. I tried crickets and horned worms and he won't go for them. I mist him at least 5 times day for about 5-10 minutes each time. I would shower him but I have well water and not sure if it is safe. I figured I would work on hydrating him, feed and medicate. Then go back to vet for fecal check. I would have done so already but it isn't cheap. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.