New Member
Hello all. I have a new panther Chameleon named Curry. Hes been with me for a week now. For whatever reason he always seem to want out if his enclosure. He has the medium reptibreeze chameleon enclosire. Soon i want to upgrade to the XL. I cant figure out why he always wants out. Basking temp is between 85-88. The rest of the cage sits around 70-72 during the day. The humidity levels are good. He is eating and his poop is healthy but he just doesnt like it in there it seems. He climbs to the top and digs at it like he wants out. Or he comes to the door and trys to get out. Maybe it’s just because it’s new and hes still adjusting. The only other thought is that i need more plant cover, but he mever really tries to hide in whats there anyways, he usually just hangs out at the top basking area. Any help or any ideas on how i can make him happier in his space is greatly appreciated. Thank you!