My PaRdA cReW

un autre tanalahyien ^^, wow tous des très belle bêtes et des belles photos, j'adore les couleures sur l'Ankify, ca ressemble quand même assez aux ambanjas, mais jsuppose que c'est normal vu la distance entre les deux
few updates one year and half later :






Hey, the faly is always so great, did you had any hatchling from it finally ?

But your Mitsio is just normally beautifull, sorry :D
I have eggs, but they don't seem to be good...
The female wasn't in a great shape so... may be a hatchling plan with Nitro who just 0bought 2 faly females...
(si Audrey a pas lâché la réponse sur tana, jette un oeil sur le quizz :p)
YOU have some very gorgeous Ankify and Mitsio.

i wish i could find ankify out here.
My hubby keeps asking where I want to go on vacation in 2010, I think France just moved to the top. We usually go where he speaks the language but this time we may have to suffer not knwing the language.

Your chameleons are just too beautiful, could I see them if we come to Paris, and no I woun't try to touch them. But I do think I am in love with them.
dude, youre makin the rest of us look bad.
incredible chams though:D, never seen a mitsio like that.
I think a good camera does really help :)
There a lot of beauties in France, I assume it's the same oversea :)
But thank you a lot for your messages....look at his sister on my other post :p
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