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Hey guys,
So my Sambava Shawn is looking pretty bad.. and sad. He's barely moving around, not active at all. His vent is clogged I think, theres a piece of hardened stool sticking out. Could that be why he has been throwing up? He has only eaten 5 crickets in the past 6 days. I tested his grip by holding him upside down and he couldn't even hold on for more than 5 seconds. I usually test their grip a few times a week. My herp vet will be avaible 2moro at 10:30 am. The other vets I tried aren't around. If any of you know what I'm going through, or know of anything to do to help the little guy, please help by posting or PM'ing me. It will be well appreciated. thanks for your time.
So my Sambava Shawn is looking pretty bad.. and sad. He's barely moving around, not active at all. His vent is clogged I think, theres a piece of hardened stool sticking out. Could that be why he has been throwing up? He has only eaten 5 crickets in the past 6 days. I tested his grip by holding him upside down and he couldn't even hold on for more than 5 seconds. I usually test their grip a few times a week. My herp vet will be avaible 2moro at 10:30 am. The other vets I tried aren't around. If any of you know what I'm going through, or know of anything to do to help the little guy, please help by posting or PM'ing me. It will be well appreciated. thanks for your time.