My Poor Sambava


Avid Member
Hey guys,
So my Sambava Shawn is looking pretty bad.. and sad. He's barely moving around, not active at all. His vent is clogged I think, theres a piece of hardened stool sticking out. Could that be why he has been throwing up? He has only eaten 5 crickets in the past 6 days. I tested his grip by holding him upside down and he couldn't even hold on for more than 5 seconds. I usually test their grip a few times a week. My herp vet will be avaible 2moro at 10:30 am. The other vets I tried aren't around. If any of you know what I'm going through, or know of anything to do to help the little guy, please help by posting or PM'ing me. It will be well appreciated. thanks for your time.

What's his history Brian? Have you ever had a fecal sample checked by a vet? When he did poop did it look firm or runny? Did it smell? Is he drinking still? Keeping him hydrated until the vet appointment is very important, especially if he threw up. What temperature is his cage? Can you post a picture of him so we can see his overall condition? The more information we can get from you the more we can help you keep him going until you can get him to the vet....
I would go to the vet today...go sit in their waiting room...they will see you eventually or else find another vet. Chameleons decompensate very quickly.
Hey, thanks. He can barley hang on to the vine he's on and he keeps closing his eyes. I've never seen an animal in such bad shape... its horrible!!! He was doing good the past few days. He was back to climbing on the ceiling of his cage, he was drinking. I gave him a few hours out in the sun and he loved it. But the thing is, he wasn't eating anything! I finally got an appt. at 3:45.
Not saying to follow this regimen, just letting you know what we went through with Guido back in May:

When our Guido had an impaction, Dave W. had us syringe feed him about 1 to 2 cc of a half pedialyte/half water mixture per day, to keep him hydrated and his mineral levels balanced. You don't inject it down his throat,just in through the side of his mouth.

Then we read online about how cooked pears can sometimes help a cham move its bowels, so we administered canned pears soaked in pedialyte, about a 1/2 tsp of that once a day for 2 days. We would also shower him once a day. Once we started this hydrating regimen, I would sit him on my lap (before he took his shower) and gently (very smoothly and gently) stroke his belly, in downward strokes, beginning from midbelly down to his vent. He would tighten his belly at first, but then relax, and I could feel stuff inside moving. After 2 or 3 days of this treatment he finally moved the twig-filled impaction (after 3 weeks of no feces movement).

I had canned the pears myself, without added sugar, the year before, so I knew exactly what was in them and that they were safe. (though normally pears themselves would be too much sugar, in this case it was needful.)

I'm not telling you to do this necessarily, I'm just letting you know what worked for us. Of course Guido was still eating well, he just hadn't pooped in a few weeks. Your situation sounds much more grave and acutely critical. Glad you're getting to see the vet today!

We wish you guys the best. Sandy
My Poor Sambava....

Hey there.......was wondering how your Sambava was doing. Glad you got a vet appointment. I also liked the suggestion someone had about sitting in the waiting room. A good vet will fit in a seriously ill animal (dog, cat, lizard). If they won't you need a new vet. I've done it several times. And when I show up for a scheduled appointment I don't get mad that the vet is behind because he fit someone else's seriously ill pet into the schedule. Please give us an update.......
i heard sambavas arefrom northern madagascar where there is more rainfall and they gotta be misted alot.

maybe they are a more difficult chameleon to keep in captivity indoors.
pretty much all chameleons are a challenge to keep properly indoors, but once that challenge is met, the only thing for them to do is thrive, and the only thing left for you is keeping there cage sanitary
Hey there.......was wondering how your Sambava was doing. Glad you got a vet appointment. I also liked the suggestion someone had about sitting in the waiting room. A good vet will fit in a seriously ill animal (dog, cat, lizard). If they won't you need a new vet.

I had this experience today!! I called the Kirkman Area Animal Clinic (Dr. Alfonso) and explained to them how ill my cham was and they told me this morning they would have to check Dr. Alfonso's schedule and call me back. Well they called back about a half hour later and left a message saying he could fit me in around 2 pm (I was outside mowing lawn) and when I finished I got the message and called back to set up the appointment. Well.....when I called back they told me they could no longer fit me in!!!! I guess my cham wasn't sick enough for them!! So..... I have to hope my boy makes it through the weekend!!
It's about a 2 hour drive for me!! It would suck if I got there and had to drive all the way back for nothing!!
sorry to hear that Geoff..

BTW my Sambava Shawn is now being fed twice a day, this (dog food looking and smelling nutrient food) to feed him by using a syringe. I will stop using it once he can find the energy to hunt and catch food on his own. He had a bad case of parasites. He has been dewormed. Just hoping that he gets back to himself by the end of the weekend and watch him gain his weight back... damn is he skinny!!! I feel so bad for the little guy. thanks for your help/concern guys!!!
Yes, Brian, what a relief for you I'm sure. And even moreso when you see him begin to thrive again! We've got the opposite problem, working on getting our fat-boy (veiled cham "Guido") to lose weight.
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