My rudis chameleon wont eat


New Member
Ok so me and my roommate just bought a rudis chameleon yesterday. We bought it all the top of line line equipment and the overall setup looks very nice. However, we have been trying to get him to eat and all attempts are still unsuccessful. We have tried feeding from our fingers, tongs, and even a homemade dish suspended from the top of the cage. He seems like a healthy male (no sunken eyes or skinny body) and he has very vibrant color. His poop is also the normal brown and white. Does anyone have any suggestions? Me and my roommate are new to chameleons; however we have had experience with reptiles in the past.
Yeah, my veiled eats about 10 crickets a day, but I've had him for a long time, too.
It is very common for chams not to eat for a few days after getting them. If it is a week and they still have not eaten, then you can start to get worried.
Also, try to find what the previous owner fed the cham and try to offer the same foeed to make the transition a little easier.

I agree that's it's most likely stressed out and not eating from moving to a new house and cage, combined with two roomies that are constantly starting at it and/or trying to hold it. However, are you positive it's a male? Gravid rudis females won't eat if they are close to giving birth.

Post some pics of your set-up and critter and we can go from there.

Rudis are one of my favourites. Have fun with your new pet.
I agree that's it's most likely stressed out and not eating from moving to a new house and cage, combined with two roomies that are constantly starting at it and/or trying to hold it. However, are you positive it's a male? Gravid rudis females won't eat if they are close to giving birth.

Post some pics of your set-up and critter and we can go from there.

Rudis are one of my favourites. Have fun with your new pet.

We are almost positive its a male based on all the pictures we have seen in books and on the internet. I will have some pictures up shortly and your definitely right about the constant staring and urges to hold him, which brings up another question, how are you supposed to handle chameleons?
Little to never. The more you handle it the more likely it is to get stressed out and get sick.
Good news! The rudis just ate a cricket, my roommate dropped in 3 crickets right in front of the chameleon, and right when he shut the cage the chameleon snatched one. Does it matter if we let the other 2 crickets run around till the cham eats them?
I figure you have a male... it would have been remiss of me if I didn't mention the gravid female possibility though. Pics though, of both cage and animal would be helpful. It helps us critique your set-up and get you on the right track for successful chameleon keeping.

I don't hold my chams. Period. But mine aren't 'pets' persay and I observe more natural interactions and activities amongst my collection because of the lack of human interference. That said, if you want to hold your chameleon, approach slowly and gently lift up from underneath to get him onto your hand. Coming from overhead is intimidating and chameleons can perceive this as a predator approaching. I do recommend limiting your interactions with him for the first few weeks. You should really only be feeding, watering and picking up poops until he settles into the routine of the house and is more comfortable around you and your roomie.

I personally free roam my bugs in the cages as chameleons don't eat out of cups or bowls in the wild. You will hear different opinions about this I'm sure. :rolleyes: You may want to consider removing any uneaten crickets before lights out as sometimes they will chew on sleeping chameleons causing injury. The rudis aren't gluttons, particularly the males, so don't panic if he doesn't eat piles of insects daily. I fed mine 6 bugs every day to every other day and that was plenty. I'm not sure what caresheets you've read on the rudis, but they require low temperatures and high humidity to thrive in captivity. Those are critical to the health and happiness of your new pet.

Good luck! Don't be shy about asking questions.
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