My Sambava's final hours...


Avid Member
I have some horrible news, my Sambava Shawn passed late afternoon today. He was miserable, fighting pain all day. All he did was passout every minute and try to throw up. I took him to my vet today and she broke the news by telling me it's very possible that he might not make it. I feel so bad because I wanted to take a fecal sample to my vet early last week, but never did because Shawn appeared more alive. He was back to climbing on his ceiling and was drinking alot, only not eating much. I took him out to get some sunlight and he seemed to really enjoy it. Then yesterday he was in bad shape. Very weak and falling alseep alot of the time. Today he seemed to be getting a little better, but once 1 oclock came, he was passing out, falling off vines and such. I just wish I had taken him to the vet last week. I'm taking my male ambanja's and female ambilobe's stool to the vet 2moro to have it checked out for anything. He did have a bad case of parasites...
So sorry for your loss, it doesn't get any easier..... try not to beat yourself up about it and make sure you've learned something ,. thats all you can do now...
We to are sorry for your loss. We've been breeding chameleons for sometime now and its never easy when one passes on. Hopefully your other chams check out ok and if anything is wrong you'll have caught it in enough time.
Again Sorry for your loss HOLD YOUR HEAD UP AND DONT GIVE UP. :(
My Sambava's final hours....

So very sorry about your loss.....just try to learn what you can from it and keep on loving chams. They are worth the effort. Just out of curiousity....what kind of parasites did he have? Hopefully your vet instructed you to completely disinfect your cage and everything in it before using it again. That usually means an outside wash job with bleach. Including the plant. You can lay it on it's side and put a diluted bleach/dishsoap solution on all the foliage and the pot. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off really good. If you don't want to go through that effort, toss it out and get a new one. Certain parasites are extremely hard to get rid of. Some have spores/egg like cysts that can live on a dry surface for an entire year. Do get your other chams checked out. I know you cared about your little guy. Hopefully you got some pictures of him when he was feeling good to remember him with............
I have some horrible news, my Sambava Shawn passed late afternoon today. He was miserable, fighting pain all day. All he did was passout every minute and try to throw up. I took him to my vet today and she broke the news by telling me it's very possible that he might not make it. I feel so bad because I wanted to take a fecal sample to my vet early last week, but never did because Shawn appeared more alive. He was back to climbing on his ceiling and was drinking alot, only not eating much. I took him out to get some sunlight and he seemed to really enjoy it. Then yesterday he was in bad shape. Very weak and falling alseep alot of the time. Today he seemed to be getting a little better, but once 1 oclock came, he was passing out, falling off vines and such. I just wish I had taken him to the vet last week. I'm taking my male ambanja's and female ambilobe's stool to the vet 2moro to have it checked out for anything. He did have a bad case of parasites...

how old was your chameleon?
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