My turn for B. transvaalense photos


Biologist & Ecologist
I gave them a few days to settle in before messing around with photos. Yesterday the little male decided to try and make a run for it while I was cleaning his cage floor so I scooped him up for a little bit of afternoon sunshine before putting him back. And then of course I have photos of the female as well in her cage (I guess it's her turn for sunshine this afternoon). She is still nameless, I'm having a hard time deciding on something that fits her (not to mention that Laurie has to weigh in!)










I love the 3rd pic of the little one looking straight back at you!


so the males name is azreal right?

how about....

Im soo Jelly rite now!! Great looking animals!!

I like the name Martha. lol ( when i was in college i did a paper on The Passanger Pigeon) and the name has been in my head since.

But it might be somewhat of a jinx:rolleyes:, lol. Martha was the last of them , lol
Thanks everyone! The female isn't technically mine, so I'd like Laurie to weigh in on any names she likes or not. Because of that, my boyfriend and I were thinking of naming her Helena, after Helen of Troy, since she's not ours but our male has "borrowed" her for the time being! lol

She's actually shedding today, while the male shed last Wednesday, so I'll try to get photos of her once she's shiny and new.
Like Chuck said, these are some great pics! just takes a good photographer with a good camera and lens:) they look great Olimpia!
She is with you, so you need to name her. I just go with what fits. You and your boyfriend will make a great choice.

The pictures are all great. Sure wish I could take a few like that.

I have my grandson here who takes better pics than I do so maybe I will post a couple decent one.
Thanks everyone! I set their cages up on their own set of Lowe's shelving units today, so they should be much happier than they were on their short little tables. I'm waiting to purchase another 2 cages (have to get ready for those baby panthers, and eventually (hopefully) baby Bradys, after all!) and then I will post new photos of the chameleon room.

Have to say that I'm pretty much up to capacity... So NO MORE OFFERING ME ANIMALS! ;) You know who you are! lol
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btw what camera and lens do you use? I want to get a nice camera and lens. All I ever take pics with is my iphone4s.

It's a Canon Rebel XS with EF-S 18-55mm IS f/3.5-5.6 Lens, or so it says on the manual. lol

It's the cheapest in the Rebel line, but it does a pretty decent job most days. I have been meaning to buy a super long-distance zoom for it, both for my pets and for wildlife photography when I go on trips to places like Costa Rica, but I could always put a few hundred into something else instead.




This last photo is him firing down from going all black and white at the sight of the female. He's rearing to go!
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