My Veiled Cham has one Swollen shut eye


New Member
I just today purchased a baby veiled chameleon at an expo. The breeder sold him to me at a really cheap price. He looks really healthy with the exception of one of his eyes.
It looks as if it is swollen shut. He's very active and it doesnt seem to bother him much. He's not scratching it.
Like I said I just got him today.
I have owned two veilds previously and haven't had this problem.

Any ideas? I've scheduled a vet appointment just to be safe. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought?

I would get his eye checked out by a chameleon vet. Mean time keep him well misted and try to get some saline solution in his eye. Jann
Any brand will do. I would go to the vet as soon as possible. Eye problems can lead to more serious unlaying problems. Jann
Any brand WITHOUT EXTRAS would be good. Try to make sure you get pure saline solution, don't get the stuff with the extra feel-good crap in it, because I'm not too sure it'd be great for your cham.

Like Jann said, PLEASE get him to the vet asap, he probably sold you at a low price because of the eye and other problems as well. Get a fecal done as well.

Could you send us a pic of the cham? Perhaps there is something else you missed that we could find.
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