My Yemen chameleon won't open his right eye

Kalle owner

New Member
I’m a Norwegian medical student living in Cracow. And I’m a new owner of a Yemen chameleon. His name is Kalle. I own him together with a friend, who I live with. We have only had him for about 2 weeks now, and we’re a bit worried because he won’t open his right eye. I’ve done some research on the problem and read somewhere that the UVB light bulb may be to strong, so I’ve turned it off now to see if he gets better. I also read somewhere that it might be something stuck in his eye and that I should wash it. This is were I’m kind of lost, he doesn’t really like us getting up in his face and I would guess he definitely wouldn’t like us rubbing his eye in water. So I want this to be the last resort. I guess what I’m asking is if there is anything else I can do or not do to make it better for him?

Your Chameleon:
About 2 months old. Had him for almost 2 weeks.
Giving food every 2nd day, spraying water on leafs twice a day. Trying not to hold or disturb him so much since he doesn't rally like it.
Crickets, who gets carrot. 10 to 15 crickets, filling up when they are gone. The first week we had small crickets, this week we got someone a little bit bigger.(don't know if that has anything to do with it)
Calcium and Multi vitamin, both from Exo Terra. Sprinkle them every other time.
We have a water pump inside the cage, and we spray water on the leafs twice a day. I see Kalle drink.
Fecal Description:
From what I’ve seen on pictures it looks normal, a part of it is dark and another part I white. I doubt that he has been tested for anything since he is so young.
Cage info:
The cage is made in glass with cork inside. It is around 40x50x80 cm in size.
Regular Heat lamp and Exo terra reptile UVB100. Both inside the cage. Light is on from 07:00-22:30. The four first days we had light on 24/7.
The cage is located in the living room, around 40 cm above the floor. The top of the cage is 120 cm above the floor. Not close to any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas.
We live in Cracow, Poland. It is wintertime here now, although temperature outside is above 0*C. Inside we have room temperature.

Here is a picture where you can see his eye. He also has kind of a swollen anterior(frontal) eyelid.

Any help is greatly appreciated! :D


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several things.

first, get the lights OUT of the cage, that's asking for him to get burned.

second- babies should be allowed to eat as much as they can EVERY day.

third- your supplements are off. you need a calcium with no d3 daily, a calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multi vitamin twice a month.

fourth- you aren't misting enough. you should be misting at least 4-6 times per day.

what brand is your uvb bulb? can you post a photo of the box?

The eye could be because, he has something in it, your lights are too bright, or an infection.

most likely cause is the lights.

by water pump, do you mean a waterfall? if so, remove it. it breeds bacteria and they don't drink running/standing water.

extra long warm water mistings can help if there is something in the eye.

please read the care sheet posted in chameleon care on the home page.
Thank you for quick respons!
The cage was made by the store we bought him from, and they installed the light inside, but will fix this problem.
We never let the cage go empty of food. Just found out that the calcium we use is without d3, and it also says that we shall use it in a ratio of 1:1 with multi vitamin.
Don't have the box for the light bulb anymore, but I will add a picture of it.
And can you please describe the long hot water misting a little more detailed? Don't understand how he will let us do something like that without hating us for the rest of his life.:(

I will read the care sheet, mostly everything I know is from the store and they have obviously done a mistake already by adding the light inside the cage!:mad:


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Just mist him for longer. not actually him, but around him.

They get used to the mistings eventually.

also, your uvb bulb may be too intense for him.

try getting a repti sun or repti glo 5.0 bulb.
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